Why do most people not kill ladybugs?

Another vote for: cute, non-biting, helpful. Some farmers buy them by the sackful. I’m happy to have free ones (assuming they’re not the orange biting kind).

And I try not to kill spiders in my house but if it’s big and hairy with long legs I’m not going to try to pick it up. I’m with Kevin Fitzgerald* - drop a phonebook on it. Actually, anything buglike with long legs is a candidate for squishing - big spiders, crane flies, centipedes, etc. I hates them, I does.

BTW, we called pillbugs “doodlebugs” when I was growing up. Fun to poke and then roll around.
*spider story about halfway down, after the wallaby one. Even funnier if you listen to it instead of reading it.

And now, thanks to the good lord, we’re all taking golden showers!

Do you have to be taught that? My instinct on seeing one would be to back away slowly no matter what I was taught.

Duct tape is great for grabbing these. They stick to it easily, and they stay stuck.

I don’t kill any bugs directly, but I’ll usually catch them and toss them in my fishtank. If they can swim to safety, I tip my hat to them and let them be on their way… until next time.

Indoors of course. Outside I leave all the bugs alone. I don’t think we’ve ever had a ladybug in the house but I’d probably ignore it.

they do bite but they aren’t feeding on you. some will give an exploratory bite just to check things out.

you can brush them off and avoid the stink and let them continue to eat aphids.