Why do scientists believe dinosaurs were reptiles?

This is very interesting - thanks! I wouldn’t want to give anyone the wrong information. I’ll double check my info and ask a paleontologist as soon as I can for an appropriate response for that question. Like I said, it’s a common one and I am not a paleontologist, just a civilian who thinks dinosaurs are cool.

A couple glasses of wine and tiredness induced me to say that the museum scientists think Jack Horner is a looney toon - I don’t want to misrepresent them and I apologize. I have the distinct impression, however, that they (well, Dr. Makovicky) disagree with his ideas in large part.

If I may be alowed to nitpick just a little bit, “Dr.” Jack Horner is not a Ph.D. In fact, Jack Horner is not even a Master or a Bachelor–he has no formal degree at all! Yes, friends, he’s basically just an amateur paleontologist done good (as I recall, he got lucky and found the world’s first documented dinosaur eggs).

My cite is Jack Horner’s very own CV:


At least a few years ago, Jack’s biggest maverick stance with respect to dinosaurs didn’t have anything to do with the cold-versus-warm blood debate (there is broad consensus that they were warm blooded), but rather over T. rex. Jack’s forwarded the proposition that T. rex wasn’t the ferocious predator that she’s usually depicted to be, but rather a lowly scavanger and opportunist–the metaphorical ancestor of the buzzard rather than the falcon.