Why doesn't closed captioning work?

RE:Chris’ ‘secret code’ When I was a kid,at least one of the local stationsused to have a person in an’inset’ in the upper right signing the morning news.What got me was that they showed her in a standard ‘news reporter shot’ from the waist up in that little circle instead of a close up of her hands. Aint technology wonderful? At least now we can keep our eyes out for handy and his evil henchmen in their plot. You haven’t heard of that? Of course not, none of us signing impaired have.(they are always talking about us in front of our faces too.)

Those little tiny interpreters suck. Who can read 1mm tall hands?

Say, some commercials use color captions to get attention. Yuck. Some cities get more that but mine doesn’t get much.

HelloKitty wrote:

I like to use closed-captioning on Star Trek episodes. Until I did that, I didn’t know how to spell “Bajor” or “Grand Nagus” (and I probably screwed those up anyway). It’s really helpful in my enjoyment of a show to know how to spell as well as pronounce a character’s name. Plus, there’s a certain thrill in being able to read the character’s lines faster than s/he can say them, so you can watch their lips move, knowing exactly what they’re going to say. I think that’s a great way to learn to read lips. :slight_smile: