Why Don't Famous People Die in Plane Crashes Anymore?

Bahamian preacher Myles Munroe died in a plane crash recently. Wasn’t a big deal in most of the US but certainly was in the afro-caribbean community.

The ex (and disgraced) South African cricket player Hansie Cronje died in a plane crash in 2002. Probably totally unknown in the US, though.

Politicians have to be up in small planes all the time, and sometimes they die: Plane crashes of major American political figures

It happens overseas, too: Candidate's sudden death in plane crash transforms Brazil race - CBS News

I’d say the trend for celebrities is either commercial or private plane with accomplished pilot. I think a lot of those early crashes were cheap-ass charter flights with some yahoo flying his self-maintained plane out of a corn/airfield.

I think the OP is not asking about famous aviators (ie., people who are famous for flying), but rather otherwise famous people who die flying.

It’s also interesting to note that Denver’s pilot license was revoked at the time of the accident for failing to maintain sobriety (a requirement resulting from multiple DUI convictions, although alcohol was not found in his system during his autopsy).