Why don't the Democrats call or send me mail?

I’m a Michigan Dem, but I participated in the Rush Limbaugh School of Primary Politics this past year, and voted for Rick Santorum in the Michigan presidential primary. So now I keep getting lit from the GOP, one of which included a form to request an absentee ballot from my city clerk. So declaring a party in primaries also gets you on mailing lists. By the way, I will absolutely be filling out the Republican-supplied absentee ballot request form and mailing it in ASAP. And I just want to go on record here and thank the Michigan Republican Party for turning me out to vote for Barack Obama, Debbie Stabenow, John Dingell, and the handful of labor-friendly proposals on this year’s ballot.

Be sure to use their handy-dandy postage-paid envelopes at every opportunity, too!

I’m an Ohio Dem and have given to the Obama campaign, the DNC and to state and local candidates over the years. I get Dem fundraising snail mail several times a week, but am careful not to give out my email address (my sister-in-law did so for the Howard Dean campaign in 2000, and was absolutely barraged with emails, despite begging them to stop), so I don’t get any campaign emails. I rarely get campaign phone calls - not enough to be a bother at all.

I get emails because I signed up for the email list. I haven’t gotten anything in the mailbox, probably because I live in Alabama and there is really no point in campaigning here since there is no chance of the majority of Alabama voters voting for a Democrat for president (much less a black Democrat.) I do get postcards and cool Democrat bumper stickers from time to time, though. I haven’t put any of them on my car, however, because it would probably get vandalized.

Okay, I got a mailing from the (D) HoR Representative running for Senate. And also a phone call saying she is corrupt. But that’s mostly it.