Why is a Raven Like a Writing Desk

because they sound exactly the same

Ooh! The sarcasm is strong in this one!

Welcome, David. While using your real name was not entirely thought out (internet anonymity has its advantages) you should fit in nicely.

Boat building and philosophy? Interesting.

Indeed, Huginn & Muninn are ravens of Odin
Only on days that end in ‘y’ though

I have no plans to fit in nicely, the the bunch of you royally missing the point about carroll was too good to miss. Nonsense verse is for fun, ffs.

But I totally disagree about internet anonymity. Its ‘advantages’ are as morally corrupting as the Ring of Gyges.

I’ll grant that if everyone else is going all anon, the bloke leaving a trail of half-witty comments in his own name is at big risk of selection committees finding out who he really is. On the other hand, who is the liar and thief in that context?

Not an Accusation. Just a Thought. http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/images/smilies/smack.gif

Q. What is the meaning of life?
A. 42.

Q. Why does anyone do anything?
A. I don’t know, I was really drunk at the time.

I’m sure there are more…

The correct answer is “because neither one can whistle”.