Why is CNN the standard tv station for public televisions?

This ^^

CNN pays rent to airports to be the sole channel on airport televisions. Here is an article from Atlanta noting CNN paid the airport $798,000 over five years for that privilege. The article discusses that contractual arrangement being subject to rebidding.

The TV in the waiting room at my surgeon’s office is tuned to HGTV, precisely because its content probably wouldn’t offend anybody.

I once worked at a clinic with the pharmacy in a glass-walled side of the waiting room, and because so many of the patients were children and/or non-native English speakers, they kept the TV on the Cartoon Network. We couldn’t hear the TV, but we would laugh along with the patients! :stuck_out_tongue: The only time anyone complained was when a woman asked us to switch over to her soap opera, and we refused. We did change the channel one time when a tornado warning was issued.

actually it used to be cnns "headline news " station because it was a nonstop loop of the same stories every hour ……after sitting in the er for 4 hours the same 12 news stories …people were glad to watch the flintstones ………. (I changed the channel to cartoons …no one objected …)
my optometrist just leaves it on the game show channel or metv

I imagine democrats would be more likely to complain that Fox News was on, than Republicans (Trump excepted) about CNN.

I’ve traveled all over Europe. It looks like I can watch CNN and/or BBC wherever I stay. They’re not 100% impartial and objective (which I sometimes find really annoying) but other broadcasters are even more biased, in my opinion, and it shows.

This, I think. An airport that runs Fox News is more likely to get emails/calls of complaint than one that runs CNN/MSNBC/ABC.

Why can’t they just leave the TV off? Or enable subtitles and keep it muted. Everyone has a phone these days to occupy their attention. I can’t remember a single medical appointment I’ve had in the last two years where I wasn’t subjected to garbage daytime TV or cartoons (plus commercials I don’t have to watch at home). CNN would be an improvement, but no TV would be ideal.

The situation in airports is different than in other public places, as has been kind of mentioned. CNN makes a special version of their channel just for airports, and they pay airports to show it.

True-- some might not agree with what FOX News says, and if the sound of it is constantly playing (therein making those who are stuck in the terminal into captive audiences), those people might go crazy because they would probably think that they are being required to agree with everything that FOX says, and if they don’t, they’re to be considered wrong (maybe I’m incorrect, but that’s just what I’m guessing might happen).

If you have a brief layover, a few minutes of CNN will catch you up on any breaking news you may have missed. You may not hear the sound, but the crawls on the bottom of the screen plus the visuals are all you really need. Why CNN and not Fox or MSNBC? The latter two are offensive to opposite segments of the population.

I’ve only seen Fox News around here, and the captions are always on. When I go to a bigger city, sometimes it seems like they have some generic entertainment channel that they watch. And the Mexican places I go tend to have on a Spanish language channel, so I assume it’s more to give them something to listen to while also lending to the atmosphere. It’s how I know that those channels seem more risque than ours.

…if you’re lucky. It’s more difficult to find a place to sit where you can’t hear the sound IME.


The only time I’ve ever mentioned the TV, I had walked into a bar and sat down. The bartender asked what I wanted just as I noticed the TV was tuned to FOX news. I started to leave, explaining that I didn’t want to watch FOX.

She quickly changed to ESPN or whoever was showing World Cup highlights and I sat back down. I never expected the station would be changed; maybe it was because I was the only customer there.

That was very considerate of her-- a lot of people who have FOX News on (or similar stations that certain people might not care for) will leave it there, lock, stock and barrel!