Why is everything "bloody?"

No it blooming well isn’t, you blinking twit.

Canadians say bloody all the time. I had no idea it meant anything. I’ve actually learned something here.

Down this neck of the woods bloody isn’t swearing it just means very, “It’s bloody cold today”, He’s a bloody good mate", “That was a bloody good movie”.
Ok it is not the the word you would use when you were on your very best behaviour, but it certainly does not have the ability to shock or offend like other swear words do.

It’s used frequently by British characters on television to mean roughly, “Hey, look at me! I’m British!”

i wondered this myself because in the book, none of the characters say “bloody” - they all say “ruddy,” a milder version…kind of like using “freakin’” because you can’t say “fuckin’.”

Originally posted by Walloon
A few pretentious Americans say it too.

i’ve been saying it since I was about 12 - how can a 12 year old be pretentious? I got it because my parents always had Monty Python on around the house. I had friends who would ask “What, do you think you’re British?” “Actually, I am - Dad’s side of the family.” :wally As if, to them, being British justified using such slang. Bloody idiots.

Hell, its a bloody marvelouse word.

…books…in the bookS they say “ruddy.” …i realize there is more than one Harry Potter book - I SHOULD realize, I’ve read all of them. My apologies

that and the fumble on the second quote…oh whatever, bloody hell.

Goldarn It…sheesh, bloody 'ell mate wassat mean?

When I was a kid, it was totally verboten.

There were jokes that would trick you into saying the word: “I’ll get his blood, he knows I will.”

Now it’s used on kids’ shows.

Things change.

I’ve said “bloody” for decades. But then, I watched a lot of Monty Python when I was a kid, and I was a big fan of The Young Ones. (The error sound on my computer is Vyvyan shouting, “Bloody! Bloody! Bloody!”) I don’t see it as being pretentious. After all, my spelling notwithstanding I don’t pretend to be English. (FWIW, I picked up my spelling in high school because I thought it looked better than the American way. Maybe that’s pretentious, but I just thought – and think – it looks better on the page.)

Anyway, “bloody” is more acceptable than saying “fuck” or “God damn(ed)”.

Ya know, I’ve always wondered whether The Beatles song, “Oh Bla Dee, Life Goes On” (or however it’s spelled) was just such an attempt to get millions of teenagers to sing “Oh Bloody” without realizing it…


That would be “arses” if we’re doing Brit-talk. :wink:

In my experience bloody’s regarded as a pretty mild swear word here. To go off at a slight tangent, my Gran always used “hair oil!” as a swear word. I’ve never heard this anywhere else, nor has anyone I’ve spoken to. Has anyone on SDMB, or was Gran just a bit mad?

Jennyrosity please use “hair oil” in the context your Gran would use. I fail to see how this is a cuss word. Thanks.

I think your Gran probably meant arsehole