Why is "hot chick" moderated?

Yes. There are plenty of other things to judge him on that don’t hinge on his appearance. I’m uncomfortable with judging any man on his appearance because of the objectification and discrimination women have suffered. It’s very ingrained in our culture so I have to make a conscious effort to not do it and sometimes I fail, but I constantly try to remain aware.

Praise this [DEL]man[/DEL] person! You’ve answered my original question. Thank you!

Thank you for your answer. And kudos for striving to look at less-superficial things.

It’ll be rare you find a post of mine critiquing an appearance. That’s not the real issue. The real issues are the blatant double standards and no attempt to even obfuscate the hypocrisy.

From my perspective, it’s the phrase “hot chick”, which is objectifying, that is the problem. It’s like saying “why did they move that hot piece of meat and put McConnell in there.” It reduces Mr. Hot Piece of Meat to his “hotness”, instead of his position, which might actually be relevant to the conversation.

No long treatise needed on the matter. It was objectifying in a way that was unseemly since it was so off topic. I would have modded it too but JC beat me to it.

Is referring to someone as a “hot dude” degrading? And has it ever been moderated?

Either you miss the point, or I missed yours. If someone were to make a creepy, unnecessary sexulaized comment as an aside to the real topic about anyone, I would be 100% behind it being modded. But how often do you see creepy comments like that about men? I would say very rarely. So because it rarely happens to men, then there is rarely a need to mod the jerks doing it to men. That doesn’t make it a double standard or hypocrisy, it’s just statistics.

Creepy sexual is just a subset of unnecessary and off topic physical objectification. Which is pervasive.

Trump has made himself a bit of an outlier. He engages in the sort of creepy language that is under discussion, thus making himself an obvious target for such comments. I would consider appearance questions or observations about Biden, Pence, Lynch, Sessions, Pelosi, Ryan, Schumer, McConnell, etc. to be out of bounds.

Again, how was it off topic? They moved her off screen to put Condi Rice behind him during his opening statement. Again, how is that off topic?

Is it the words? Just say it is the words. Once that is done, then we can use this as Exhibit Z for political correctness run amok.

When the man is Trump, very frequently on the SDMB, although it is virtually never complimentary, as it was in this case.

Bone said it was objectifying. In your opinion, are the words “hot chick” objectifying?

Who has perved on trump? It’s not about “oh, his hair looks stupid, and his face is orange therefore we hate him and his policies are wrong”. It’s about “I don’t like his policies about blahblahblah, but I wouldn’t mind gettin’ me some of that hot meat *nudgenudgewink**wink”. Do you see the difference between the two? How one is creepy and the other is using his appearance to support a point/make a statement (as dumb as that might be)? Unless the thread is about peoples’ sexual preferences, bringing up your sex desires in an unrelated, unrequested manner is CREEPY and PERVY. THAT’s why it gets modded. Because this community has decided it doesn’t want to be creeped out when discussing other topics.

Can you name a single online community where saying negative things about bigotry has caused it to collapse?

This is stupid. Treating bigotry like a problem only makes sites more inclusive and brings in more people. That’s why all the big social network groups have been making it against their rules.

They wouldn’t do it if it could make them die out.

That said, “hot chick” is not punching down. It’s just a pointless sexist remark.

I’ll abide by the rules of this board. If “hot chick” is creepy and pervy then I live in a different fucking world than you all. I’m out.

ETA: But I would like an official ruling. Is “attractive woman” okay?

Why do you feel that it’s important to tell us about her attractiveness at all?

No. I refuse to play into your attempt to turn this into a persecution.

The simple fact is, it was off topic. You didn’t know she was anyone at all when you did it. In fact, in DC, she’s still not anyone special. She’s one more minor player among a city with tens of thousands of them. Hanging your reasoning on what Chronos said upthread is just your attempt to justify your actions. It’s unworthy.

Did you objectify? Yes, you did. Is it really that hard for you to see women as people? Are you so insecure you have to try to establish your power through reducing others to things instead of people?

What it a hijack? Yes, it was. It was clearly off topic. At best you’re proposing a conspiracy theory with no evidence. Hell, in terms of power players Condi Rice kicks all kinds of ass in DC, even now. If she wants a seat, she gets one.

Did I, very mildly, try to head off further of both? Yes, I did. I swear to god, people will get more upset about a mod note than simple warnings, sometimes.

You know what I see when I hear the term, ‘political correctness’? I hear a cry of loss of power. Of loss of position and the creation of the uncertainty that comes with both. Those who decry it are, indeed, crying for their own safe space…except they want it to be the entire world. Because that’s the way it’s been for a long, long time.

Tough. The world changes and we all need to change with it. Those that can’t, inevitably, get left behind and lose their power and position forever.

Of course there’s a double standard. People go around making comments like this about women all the time, but hardly ever about men. That’s the double standard that we’re trying to fix, and which you’re apparently trying to perpetuate.

I personally think Condi Rice is beautiful (and I’m a straight woman).