Why is Liz Cheney taking this lying down?

Call it the “Ignorant Nose-Pickers” faction instead of the “Hair On Fire Loon” faction and you’ll have an on-target description of Wyoming Republicans.

According to Ballotpedia, Wyoming only requires a plurality to win in a primary election. They also have open primaries, so Wyoming Democrats (there must be some) would be able to vote for Cheney in her primary if they were so inclined.

I believe she has one of the smallest (if not the smallest) constituencies in Congress. You’d have to spend $5 on every registered voter just to break a million bucks.

Oh, they followed them but they did not really feel they were “their people” (and reasonably suspected the feeling was mutual).

Stateside parties were even then already moving in the direction of “what do you mean I have to give someone else a fair chance?” (see: gerrymandering, vote suppression) and “we want OUR country back” (see: Tea Party). Starting with the TP and the rise of social media communities a large enough segment of the base finally felt empowered to demand that those on top be like them or at least sound like them. As 2016 proved they were craving someone who would be rough and rude to their antagonists and brazenly just use brute power to get and stay on top rather than play by the rules of “courtly” politics.

Not correct, unless it changed since November third and I don’t think it did. This longtime Wyomingite registered as a Republican with the “if you can’t beat 'em, join 'em” excuse. I want my primary vote to have a theoretical if miniscule chance of influencing the outcome. Might as well choose from among the least ignorant of the Repub candidates.

Thanks for the info! Out of curiosity I went to the Wyoming Secretary of State website, apparently Wyoming does not have open primaries but you can change your party on Election Day. So if you’re a Democrat who wants to vote in the Republican primary you can show up and do so, but you’ll leave the voting booth with an “R” attached to your name.

From now on I think there will be many GOP primaries where it’s the Bush/Romney/McCain type guy vs. the Trump nutjobs. They can’t put those nuts back in the bottle. I think Romney will run in 2024 he will be 76 so that would be his last shot.

In terms of personal survival, it makes sense to keep her head down right now. It’s the CT party.
MTG has +10 approval among Republicans versus -28 for Liz Cheney right now (this is IIRC from a summary on CNN).

From a principled POV it doesn’t make sense, but anyone with the character to make a principled stand would have resigned or been pushed out years ago.

I don’t want to simply demonize these guys. If Liz and others start to grow a spine and genuinely stand up for truth and Americans’ wellbeing, I would applaud them for it. We’re not close to that yet.

It’s Wyoming. Don’t they use a cattle brand?

Last weekend I listened to a radio version of “The Laramie Project” a play about the brutal murder of Matthew Shepard for the “crime” of being gay. Over and over, Wyomingites were quoted saying that this is not who we are. My reaction to that claim is that if you put ten of them in a row, 7 voted for Trump. The highest percentage of any state, even exceeding Idaho and Alabama. Well, if Liz Cheney loses a primary next year, we will know exactly who they are.

I listen to a podcast called “You’re Wrong About” and they did a great episode on Shepard. Worth checking out IMHO. As for Liz-if you’re going after Dick Cheney’s kid, good luck. As much as I dislike him, he does love her from all I’ve heard. I hope hunkering down works for her.

“We need to make sure that we as Republicans are the party of truth,

I guess she’s never heard of Fox, Newsmaxx, Twitter, Facebook. She has got an uphill battle on the way.

Yeah Republicans as the party of truth would be a lofty aspiration at this point, given that the reality is the exact opposite. And I don’t just mean within American politics, most of the world’s democracies consider the GOP to be batshit insane.

It looks like Liz Cheney is about to get the shiv from House Republicans – McCarthy is throwing her overboard from her leadership position and the conference is already lining up behind Rep. Elise Stefanik to take her place so that the House Republican leadership isn’t exclusively white men.

Policy wise, she’s as lock-step conservative as the come. But being a Republican isn’t about being a conservative anymore. The only thing that matters is blind, unwavering subservience to Trump and his lies. She’s refused to back down from her position that Biden won the election legitimately and that the Republican refusal to recognize that is harmful to the country and the long-terms interest of the party. And so she’s got to go.

From the first paragraph at the link:

We know how this is going to work out. Don the Con has ordered the hit to exact his pound of flesh. She will be removed from leadership (I still wonder how she got so high up in so short a time) and possibly be removed from all committees as well She will be primaried by a MAGAbot next year, if she even decides to run against the current. There’s no sense in her fighting this, she surely realizes that the Republican Party is now a fascist personality cult.

It’s pretty stunning that they are removing her from leadership positions for not repeating a blatant lie, and keeping Gaetz in his committee assignments.

I would like a Republican to come here and defend removing Cheney from her leadership positions for the sin of not believing and repeating an obvious lie about the election.

< channeling Republican > “What lie?” < cR >

I get what you’re saying, but I have assumed that the actual Republicans in charge of the House, such as McCarthy, knows it’s a lie. (MTG and Boebert, for example, are another story – they seem like true believers)

I also assume that any Republicans still posting here realize it’s a lie.

My own (admittedly speculative, unsupported) theory is that the Never-Trumpers like Cheney and Romney know they’re cooked. They know the Republican party they knew is gone (if it ever existed). That’s why they aren’t fighting. Instead, they’re continuing in McConnell’s grand tradition of “show them a body”..

They’re daring the Republicans to oust them, so they can truthfully proclaim “I did not leave the Republican party, the Republican Party left me.” Then they’ll make a play to capture voters who share that sentiment.

They hope enough Republicans will follow them to make a viable movement. I wish them luck, because the better they perform, the more it undermines the faction that’s gone bugfuck insane.