Why is Michael Avenatti Doing All This?

And the $1 million per infraction by Story Daniels would also be unenforceable.

Today at around noon Eastern, Avenatti tweeted:

Then, at a little after 7:00 Eastern, he tweeted:

It sounds like Avenatti has a lot of information like this and he intends to keep dropping it until Cohen and Trump “come clean”. He’s not talking about the NDA anymore, and not even really referring to any specific thing he wants them to “come clean” about. He seems to be pushing for some kind of full accounting of what he sees as their corruption. He doesn’t seem to be doing this in pursuit of the original legal outcome. He doesn’t seem to be doing it for the money (he’s already rich, he’s not seeking a big settlement, and I’m sure there are easier ways for him to rack up billable hours) So what’s left? Attention whoring? Adrenaline rush? Personal vendetta? Political crusade? I lean toward the last, but I’m sure I’m projecting to a large extent. Who knows? Maybe next week Avenatti will turn out to be a motherfucker too. But for now at least, I’m holding on to my belief that he’s doing all this because he wants to stand up to a corrupt president. Godspeed, counselor.

One thing confuses me: Stormy has already disclosed, right? Is the legal battle about whether Stormy must pay the $1 million per infraction?

Or, is it that she’ll disclose MORE if she wins the lawsuit? She’s already confirmed that his penis is small*, and that his hair was like a “a drunken cockatoo” when they f**ked. More interesting is that he spent most of their first date bragging that his picture was on the cover of some magazine. The most illuminating revelation may be his Samson complex:

I wish you’d had the courtesy to link to the page. What if some of us want to contribute?

My emphasis added.

Chimera seems to care. He said it was “Republicans” who were asking this, and the poster responded that it wasn’t a Republican, but a Democrat. What’s so hard to understand about that?

Trump was always vulnerable to an Avenatti and avenatti is just playing out his appropriate role here. Until something came along we were in a storybook spell cast by the strange phenomenon of this election. I can’t imagine he is any more comfortable with trump in the white house than any of us here. This is a credible motive for him to act. I would expect any of is to do the same in his place.

Trump is both a criminal and would-be authoritarian. Therefore it is important that society makes him face each and every legal challenge that is available to society to use to protect itself. Which it will, given enough time to get over the shock of this new abnormal. Avenatti is just the first breath of real air we’ve had in 2 years. He is democracy working.

We’re supposed to judge this guy negatively for being ‘motivated by money, fame or power’, while pursuing Trump?

Who is solely motivated by money, fame and power? Am I missing something in this equation?

Seems like they are well matched to me!

And if he had, it would have been as “David Dennison”. The signature space has the printed initials DD next to it (unless that was a reference to Ms. Clifford :wink: ).

To enforce it, he’d have to cop to using a pseudonym, and even that might not convince a judge.

Nothing hard at all - and I’m still responding with ‘what fucking difference does it make’ - whats so hard to understand about that?

If Trump - well, actually - anyone - signs a contract, the issue is not really what name you sign but whether you sign voluntarily and there is consideration exchanged. I routinely sign things “Rick” followed by my last name, but that’s not actually my legal name. If I started signing things Ted or Steve or Jessica it’d make no difference as long as I was freely and honestly agreeing to them. Actually, for most types of contracts, you need not sign anything at all.

Of course we have the wrinkle that it looks as if Trump did not sign the contract at all. However, Cohen and Daniels/Clifford did; so, there as a freely signed contract and and exchange of consideration. So while TRUMP may not be able to sue Daniels, surely COHEN can? I’m not sure.

What I know for sure is that Avenatti harrying Trump and Michael Cohen on a daily basis is delighting.

Right now Michael Avenatti is the frontrunner for Time Man of the Year. If his investigations and revelations do even more damage to more scumbags, tyrants and corrupt businesses, he could have it sewn up by August. He should watch his back for Russian assassins, though.

I think Avenatti is an attention whoring dick but I think an attention whoring dick is just what we need right now. Fighting fire with fire, you know.

I don’t care why he’s doing it, so long as he keeps doing it.

A poster corrected a factual error that another poster made. If that’s hard to understand, then this forum must be bewildering.

I’m wracking my brain here: He is getting paid, he’s getting notoriety, and he’s getting rid of the worst stain on public life in US history.

No! There must be a real reason why he’s doing this. And I’m not going to rest until I find out.

It would be far funnier if he got the Nobel Peace Prize.

I’ve seen this assertion a couple times on the internet: Trump attacks, bullies, and gives puerile nicknames to anyone who challenges him. But not Avenatti. He’s remarkably silent about Avenatti. This, so the argument goes, indicates Trump is afraid of Avenatti.

I’m not sure. Certainly I hope Avenatti has all the goods on Trump and is waiting for the most advantageous time to make them public, and Trump is shitting himself over the prospect. But I long ago gave up any hope of understanding Trump’s words and actions.

Avenatti apparently has access to the Trump Tower security tapes. He just put up a video of Qatari investor Ahmed Al-Rumaihi attending a meeting on December 12, 2016 (which Avenatti alleges was with Cohen and Flynn) at Trump Tower. Al-Rumaihi claimed that he bribed Flynn. Al-Rumaihi is currently the subject of a lawsuit filed by Ice Cube and Cube’s business partner, Jeff Kwatinetz, alleging that he used their money that he had promised would be used to invest in the Big3 Basketball League, but which he actually used for his bribes to Flynn and Cohen.
Avenatti’s tweet:

Reports from Mother Jones and the New York Post

Well, at least the phrase “a video of Qatari investor Ahmed Al-Rumaihi attending a meeting on December 12, 2016 (which Avenatti alleges was with Cohen and Flynn) at Trump Tower” might be accurate; you got that.

I’m sorry, what did I not get accurate?

No, honestly, what did I say that isn’t right?

Avenatti doesn’t “apparently” have access to the Trump Tower security tapes. It’s obvious as hell if you watched the video and even more obvious if you looked at the URL of the video. Also, Mr. Avenatti didn’t “just put up” the video because he didn’t put it up at all, another thing that should have been obvious to anyone who saw it or the URL it was posted on.

And the video does not show anyone attending a meeting, it shows people entering the building & getting into an elevator and then out of an elevator and leaving the building. The alleged meeting isn’t shown at all.

You post a ton of links, Rick, and most of them are good info. But often you don’t seem to read the stories before you post them, leading you to claim things in your link that aren’t true and/or are inaccurate. I find it incredibly frustrating at times and I only ever call you out on it hoping that it will spur you to be more accurate in your descriptions.

You’re being intentionally obnoxious. I don’t see the point in it, but I don’t see the point in seeing any of your posts again, either. Bye, Felicia.