Why Is My Penis Darker Than The Rest Of Me?

Surreal, it’s time we told you the truth.

Your penis is adopted.

New around here, are you? Half the penis threads in GQ are started by Surreal.


Oh, good grief, forget it, what was I thinking?

Quite so. Other options include Hidden Valley® Ranch Dressing or Alfredo Sauce. NOTICE: Personal hygiene is important, here. You definitely don’t want your smegma in the mix. :eek:

Because it’s, uh, dark meat? :dubious:

Hardly new, but hadn’t noticed. I’ll make a mental note of it.

But isn’t that what friends are for?

Light brusing due to over-enthusiastic… washing?

If anyone asks I just tell them “It’s my soap and my dick. I’ll wash it as fast as I want to.” :eek: :smiley: