Why isn't the WI recall result being considered a big win for teachers?

If it was any other product but labour, the unions would be committing a felony. It is against the law to form a cartel to exert monopolistic control over the supply of a product.

Funny, those are the same reasons I do vote Republican.

Wait, you vote Republican because I actually understand the issues… that’s kind of petty, innit?

If you are alleging that teachers’ salaries have declined after adjusting for inflation, that’s wrong too. Cite, cite, cite.


I am opposed to closed shops. But it’s not as simple as people here are making it.

The justification for a closed shop is that any individual has little incentive to join a union, because their membership doesn’t add a whole lot to the union’s clout. But they still gain from the activities of the union as a whole. So many people who don’t join a union are essentially free-riders, benefiting from the union’s presence without paying for it. The unions are attempting to forstall this.

In reality there are also a lot of people who would prefer that there be no union altogether, and the unions tend to downplay this. But they do also have a point about the free-loaders.

Shodan, your second cite has the lede “Teachers Take “Pay Cut” as Inflation Outpaces Salaries”. Might be best to read your cites before you post them. Because I will read them.

Generally what I hear from the right wing is complaints about the high cost of administration, not the high cost of teachers. That the overhead is too high, or that extraneous burdens are being put on teachers. But I could be wrong. Can you post a cite? And not some lone nutter, either. A cite from the Republican party leadership that they want to make public schools collapse.

Elucidator has already pointed out the problem with your second cite and the third cite is about 2007 which would be interesting if we were in 2008, maybe.

And anyway, I wasn’t alleging anything other than that your statement that salaries must trend downwards in order for workers to be paid less is too absolute.

Pre Tea Party. Many of the sensible Republicans have been primaried out of office.

Wages for public employees isn’t outrageously different from the private sector. Cite. (My cite is the CBO).

I suspect it’s higher, because wages in general are flat for the vast majority of people in America, and public sector workers aren’t up against the same forces that are keeping private sector wages from increasing.

A front-runner for the GOP primary called for the destruction of public schools and didn’t get much or any pushback.

Also, anyone who is advocating vouchers is advocating at least greatly damaging public schools. Don’t you think that a voucher system that transfers money to private schools is going to damage public education even further?

More details, please.

ETA: I will gladly concede that many Libertarians would like to see public education abolished. But that is not the GOP.

No. Competition is good. It might destroy some particular schools, but strengthens the overall system.

I think Scumpup makes the best argument why an individual would want to join a union in an area where unions are allowed. It’s like insurance. You don’t have to buy insurance, but you’ll be damned glad you did when your house catches fire.

I disagree. Public schools have to take everybody. To allow students to take their tax money with them to a private school means that the public schools will be stuck with all the problem children and no money to deal with them. Public money should go only to public schools.

Cheese Louise, John, how many times have you heard about how teachers are indoctrinating kids with false ideas like evolution? Or the crazy left wing propaganda about how the labor movement was actually about something? If they succeed in removing fact from our education, what would we have left?

Short term, some teachers will benefit because they will save an amount of money equal to their union dues.

Long term, all teachers will suffer, because the weakened union will not be able to negotiate fair wages and benefits on their behalf. Because of cuts to taxes, the teaching profession in the state will be low-value, and underpaid. Fewer good students will take education and become teachers because of the low pay. The education system as a whole will suffer.

Blame will be assigned for the crappy education system. To the teachers of course.

So to answer the OP: Yes, some teachers will probably cheer the election. Those teachers will see a temporary increase to their take-home pay, and a long term decline in their standard of living.

There isn’t any problem with my second cite, which reads

So Chronos’ rather overblown statement remains false - there is no race to the bottom in teachers’ salaries, and this is nothing like forcing anyone to work for nothing.


Schools will be able to dictate the terms of teacher employment and say “take it or leave it”. Teachers will be forced to knuckle under or find other employment. What you will wind up with are teachers who either work for the sheer joy of it or simply have no better options available to them. Fewer people will choose teaching as a profession. Quality of education in the state spirals down. If Republicans have their way, we’d have 50 Mississippis out there and high school graduates totally unable to compete in the workplace.

Sure, lots of teachers chose not to have union dues taken out. With the miserable wages we pay them, they had to maximize their take home pay. Unable to bargain for wages, they choose not to pay for an emasculated union.

I meant Santorum: Santorum And Harvard Anarchist Agree: Public Schools Must Be Abolished

Competition is good. But public schools must take everyone. So they can’t compete in any meaningful way, unless the private schools must do so as well.

And that’s fine. We can disagree about what that effect will be. It doesn’t mean that either of us wants to destroy public schools.

elucidator: You are correct in pointing out some of the loony things coming from the “the right”. But that doesn’t mean they want to destroy the schools or impoverish teachers. It only means they want to administer the schools the way they want. They want prayer in schools and creationism taught alongside evolution (or instead of it). They look back fondly on a time when that was the case.

Do you have a cite for Santorum saying that? Since your implied claim that the cite you provided says so is false.
