Why no milk when you have a cold?

Hm. Seems like Qadgop the Mercotan ( nice name ) does make good points. I must admit, sometimes the milk does leaves my throat slimy when I have the slightest bit of mucus from allergies.

More cereal and milk when I have colds! <I’ll drop that>

the American Academy article you linked suggested

but according to this guy your proof may take up to a whole day before appearing.


Well, I drink milk, quite a lot. I don’t have any mucus, asthma or allergies, go figure.

More pearls of wisdom from Robert Cohen

I go to Broadway on Broadway every year, and some years I have gotton backstage to talk to the performers. There’s always a nice spread there–coffee with all the accompaniments, including milk & cream, fruit salad, vegetable salads and various meat & cheese sandwiches.

These performers have to do a song at the show, then go and do two shows more. I have never noticed one of them refusing the milk products.

I wonder how many Broadway stars Cohen actually knows.

The bit that made me double take was where it says babies on cows milk always have runny noses because of the milk. Ah, no, they have runny noses because they are new people who are getting exposed to a shitload of bugs (unrelated to the millk) that they haven’t developed immunity to yet. When our wee girl was first in child-care she had some kind of cold every couple of weeks for a few months, then it stoppped, she never stopped drinking milk though.

Speaking of the sources of some of these old ideas, I wonder if this one derives from the days when digestion was thought to be a sort of cooking process. It wasn’t until William Beaumont did his amazing series of studies on Alexis St. Martin in the 1820’s that the idea became undermined. Just wonderin’