Why not come out against lynching?

It looks like the reason for the “20 missing Senators” screwup might have been because Bill Frist didn’t want a full vote:

Again, there is absolutely no reason to have a roll call vote on a measure of this sort. Pretty much all meaningless resolutions like this get passed under unanimous consent agreements. The Senate really has very little time to get its legislative work done, and Frist would be an idiot to debate a non-binding resolution that no one opposes. Just pass it by unanimous consent like most other things in the Senate. This resolution was simply treated like pretty much every resolution that passes the Senate.

Sometimes even when brought to trial they couldn’t get a conviction. Those who lynched Emmet Till were tried but not convicted though it was pretty obvious they did it.


Two Twenty Senators? Who didn’t waste* MY* tax dollars and their very valuable time on something completely and utterly worthless? I’d like to shake their hands.

IMHO- their lack of co-sponsering doesn’t mean they are "pro-lynching’, it means they are “anti-tomfoolerey”.

Did I oversleep and miss something? When was lynching ever legal in any State or Federal court at any time in the history of the country?

It was never legal in any state or territory. However, a number of states deliberately ignored the practice, failing to prosecute people for the crime even when newspapers printed photos identifying the perpetrators. (There were even a few occasions when lynchings were announced in the newspapers before the event.)

The point of the (never passed) Federal legislation was to make it a crime that could and would be investigated and prosecuted by a (theoretically) neutral higher authority which would actually take steps to end the practice.

They still could take that step, of course, and repeal the Patriot Act.