Why not put limestone on the Pyramids again?

Acidkid, I am referring to a passage in the Old testament:

Exodus 20:4 “Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven . . . earth . . . water.” (See also Lev. 26:1, Deut. 27:15)

Which is obviously part of the Tanuch and the Qu’ran too (your search probably only covered the Sura).

And yes I know that the Bible only properly refers to the Christian Bible, but I was referring to a passage that appears in a part of the bible that is common to all three religions.

One of the most basic precepts of conservation of any historic structure is minimal intervention; in this case, can the cultural significance of the earlier appearance of the pyramids at Giza be illustrated without subjecting the actual historic fabric to further degredation through use?

For example showing the original limestone/gold-leaf-topped version on a computer model or even a real scale model?

The biggest threat to the Giza complex is urban sprawl; the original context of the monuments is already badly compromised by modern incursions within a few hundred metres. In 1995, UNESCO managed to convince the Egyptian government to abandon building a road through part of the site.

Essentially, only intervene in the monument’s fabric as much as is necessary to preserve it; the continuum of Conservation Intervention runs something like this:

 Do Nothing           (Low negative impact on Heritage Character)



 Replace            (High negative impact on Heritage Character)

I think they should do what they did with Stonehenge and just build exact replicas a few miles away. (-:

And put the world’s largest razor blade where the King’s chamber would be…