Why only one windpipe?

Small bit of useless trivia -

I have a horse that is prone to Choke (capital intentional) which is a not uncommon thing in horses, especially those fed a dry grain/feed. It’s actually an esophageal obstruction and while it causes them distress (it’s painful) they can breathe just fine.

The potential danger in it comes from possible aspiration pneumonia or damage to the esophagus. Generally its reasonably easily resolved, either on its own or with a vet’s help, but is still scary to watch.

My guy now eats soup for his meals!

Many snakes also have an accessory tracheal opening under the tongue, so they can swallow large prey without smothering in the process.

We do have the epiglottis to keep things from going down the wrong pipe, most of the time.

Going back to the question of “Why only one windpipe”, the reason is that our genes have instructions for growing certain ways - in this case, grow one windpipe.

A mutation(s) would have to occur to have the information to grow more than one windpipe. Mutations occur randomly, NOT because we need them. So, no mutation, no second windpipe.

It would be nice if we could simply mutate new features through the use of wishes. I would have more hair in some places and less in others, have multiple potential sets of teeth to replace any that are lost, and locate my gonads to a more protected site. I can think of many other changes that would improve the “perfection” of our bodies, but that’s not how evolution/nature works.

My son choked on an apple in 2nd grade. His teacher administered chest compressions (which used to be called the Heimlich maneuver) and successfully dislodged the piece of apple, but it then got stuck in his esophagus, and was too large to move past the sphincter into the stomach. He was then sent to the local emergency room, and the piece of apple was forced into his stomach by a doctor with an endoscope.

But I doubt the apple had especially sharp barbs. It was just too large and solid to be handled by the muscles in the area.

It’s abdominal thrusts. Chest compressions are for CPR.

Oops, right. Clearly, i should have gone to bed instead of making that post. Thanks