Why SPECIFICALLY do Republicans hate Obama?

OK then, let’s get back to the OP, why, specifically, do the Republicans hate Obama? My feeling of it, and I have no proof, is that it truly is because he is black and has a D after his name. Or it could just be because all the lies and hatred spewed by right-wing radio pundits. Hell, I don’t know, but I just don’t see a reasonable reason for the level of vitriol.

With President Bush I could understand. Two wars (one of which had a very questionable justification), Patriot act and warrantless wiretapping, torturing of POWs, Guantanamo and the definition of illegal combatants, extraordinary rendition, ignoring the situation in Korea, ignoring the situation with the Palestinians and Israel, cutting taxes (mostly for the wealthy) while supporting increased spending on all fronts (domestic and foreign), the dismissal of science for political reasons (climate change, evolution and creationism, stem cells, NASA), the whole neo-conservative agenda with its nation building and democracy spreading (I believe in a Libertarian foreign policy stance), etc… President Bush was no where near the devil that many Liberals made him out to be, but he really sucked on a lot of levels. President Obama does not have near as many black marks on his record as President Bush, at least to my mainly (civil) Libertarian eye. Forcing people to pay for insurance does not bother me as I was already paying for their health care, it’s about time some of them carried the load. Also letting the government insure only the high risk pool (Medicare), while insurance companies get to cover everybody else is just lame. Well, maybe we can fix this later… I would also love to let companies off the hook with providing health care. It’s a stupid benefit for them to offer anyway and probably against their best interest. Meh, I’ll save it for a different thread.

Also he’s bright. If there is anything they can’t stand it is a Negro who has more brains than they do.

If Barack Obama is politically successful he will undue the damage caused by Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan and end the Republican ascendancy that has blighted my adult life. The United States will resemble the more civilized countries of Western Europe and the British Commonwealth.

Are you…
Are you seriously saying that you don’t care how badly things go for the country, as long as the government is sincere?


How would you handle being on a war crimes tribunal?

Whoa whoa whoa! Wait a sec. Obama nationalized GM? General Motors? That GM? When did that happen? Cite?

Oh boy [/sarcasm]

Never fails, when you got nothing else play the race card :rolleyes:


When the bill was passed we were repeatedly told how much it was going to reduce health care costs. Every CBO report that has come out since then has “readjusted” those figures upward. As in, “Oops, sorry, we F’ed that up.” Too Bad, So Sad… Plus, show me one example of a government entitlement program that has come even close to operating within the expected costs estimates.

Well, I have about as much faith in Reuters and the World Bank as you have in Fox.

As for the declining tax receipts/revenue, if the Administrations policies had worked as laid out, this would not have happened.

Are you actually arguing that the stimulus was supposed to shrink the deficit & bring more money in within a single fiscal year? Because that’s not how Keynesian stimulus works.

Machiavelli anyone?

  1. Not true. According to the CBO the healthcare bill wiped out two-thirds of the US long term deficit.

2. And how exactly? If you’re enacting a fiscal stimulus then obviously you’re going to increase the deficit. That’s what fiscal stimulus is, deficit spending.

…says the person who almost certainly has never lived a day nor worked in any of those “more civilized” countries.

That’s somewhat deceptive - this random blogger you linked to qualifies it with “*if the U.S. Congress now sticks to PAYGO–as it did during the Clinton years[3/4 of which had a Republican House, something he somehow failed to mention, huh, nope, no partisanship there! - Una]–and doesn’t pass new programs and amendments to old programs that add to the deficit.”

What are the odds of that happening? Not very good.

So, if he had pointed out the years as years, like “1990-95” that would have been non-partisan and kosher, but he said “Clinton years”, so it isn’t?

He isn’t a random blogger, he’s one of the top economics bloggers, a guy with a track record of being very accurate and a former Clinton-era Treasury official. His blog is one of the most trafficked economics blogs on the net :

And it was the Democrats who put teeth in PAYGO and used it to turn a record budget deficit into a record surplus. It was the GOP congress who under Bush scrapped PAYGO and went on the biggest unfunded spending spree in history. And when the Dems recently voted to reinstitute PAYGO, look how the vote broke down :

scroll down halfway to grouped by vote position. No paritsanship there, eh? So you can see he’s got an actual factual basis for questioning whether the GOP will stick to PAYGO. They already scrapped it once and voted en bloc to stop it being reintroduced.

I think it would be fair to suggest that he brought that on himself (to a degree) with his “clinging to guns and religion” comment during the campaign.

The statement would be more accurate if you were talking about 1995 - 2000 or maybe 2001, not 1995 - 2007. The budgets were definitely not balanced after 2001 because of tax cuts and the “special items” in Afghaistan and (starting in 2003) Iraq.

It may have been a dumb thing to say in public, but was he wrong?

I’ll play…

First, I am not a Republican - I suppose I am an “Independent” - fiscally conservative, socially liberal. Second, “hate” is an awfully strong word - I don’t hate him, but I do not respect him, and I think he’s doing a lousy job.

So, the specific reason I “hate” Obama is that he is a crappy leader. We can debate things all day and drag Obama into it, but the fact is that Obama himself has very little power, and most of the things I disagree in terms of government action cannot be laid at his feet. But, he has the role of being the Federal Rockstar, and he’s doing a shit job responding to his citizens.

I disagree wholeheartedly with 99% of his financial positions, as do quite a few Americans, in differing amounts, obviously. He seems completely unable to analyze the wants and needs of the majority of the country, and frankly, I don’t think he cares. It is the job of the POTUS to lead the country, and he’s doing a piss-poor job. If you look at Kennedy and Reagan - they were great leaders, which is 90% of their job. Part of being a leader is to actually listen to who you’re leading, whether you agree or not, try to see their point of view, educate people on your side of things, and reach a compromise. Obama acts like an old man who’s turned his hearing aid off.

I have a real issue with the people he’s surrounded himself with, which is particularly important to me since he has no real executive experience, and very limited experience with the “real world” as an adult. So, instead of filling his cabinet with a variety of people with a variety of experiences, he’s hired intellectuals and academics across the board. This is a serious problem, because no matter what issue you’re studying, you have to apply real world standards during the process, and if your advisors have no real world experience running a business or working a shit job, being totally broke, etc., your answers will be almost impossible to implement in real life. Everyone has an ideal, and I think we should all work toward meeting that ideal, but we all know that you cannot shape the world to match a mission statement.

That’s a general overview of how I see Obama - it pops out at me when I see things like his response to the BP spill, or his speeches about the economy, or things like the Beer Summitt - he just doesn’t seem like he lives on Earth sometimes. And when he gets stuck, his first reaction always seems to be striking out against Bush or the rich or somebody else. That’s terrible leadership.

I didn’t vote for him, but I was okay with his election. It was fantastic to be a part of history, and I wanted him to do well, if for no other reason than the impact it may have on the road to a race-blind America. It makes me angry that he’s screwing that up by appearing to be a bumbling ivory-tower robot.