Why Trump Supporters Think He'll Win

There are even posters on this board who believe he will win and are happy about it. The mind boggles. “Fighting Ignorance” my ass.

They don’t see it that way. They see it as the OP pointed out. “One of their own” in charge, pissing off all those overseas leaders who have to deal with him.
I feel like it’s going to come down to the debates (which may actually be interesting for once).

The system does suck, in that at least they’re right. But the solution isn’t to hand power over to a self-involved, bigoted POS. Unfortunately, I subscribe to this attitude:

If he even shows up to them. He’s already complaining about the bias against him by them being up against the NFL in a couple spots.

Should I vote for the crook who is above the law?

Trump supporters think he’ll win because Trump has been defying expectations throughout his campaign. All the accepted wisdom, from political experts across the ideological spectrum, was that Trump would crash and burn. And they were wrong; Trump has succeeded and gotten the Presidential nomination. So Trump supporters find it easy to dismiss all the experts who say Trump will be defeated in the general election. They’re confident he’ll defy expectations again and become President.

And who knows? They may be right.

I’m not saying that there’s no chance of Trump winning, but I think a significant number of Republicans will stay home, and a few will actually vote for Hillary. The Houston Chronicle endorsed Clinton, and that’s fairly significant that they endorsed a Democrat and so early. Not that the endorsement will necessarily sway many minds, but I think it shows some general trends. Also I’m in Texas and have more than a few conservatives on my Facebook pages, and I’ve seen several say that they aren’t voting for Trump, and might vote for Johnson instead. It seems like if literally any other candidate won then they’d be “my party, right or wrong”, but they are having a real hard time going with Trump. And it’s not like he’ll get less offensive as the campaign goes on.

Even dipshit would have grounds for offense.

By all means, keep saying that.

And, if you meet anyone who is thinking about voting for Trump, be sure to tell them that. Also be sure to tell them how ignorant they are and compare them to an orangutan.

Dismiss them and mock them. Don’t pay attention to their concerns.

Yup, that will change their votes, for sure.

Attitudes like this are part of why I think Trump might win.

No, they’re saying you shouldn’t vote for Trump. Not should.

Not even possible. The die-hard Trumpies are lost to reason and reality. They’d NEVER vote for Hillary or probably ANY Dem, unless we started running the ones who used to be Dems in the 50s and 60s again. I’m not sure whether the hope of reasoning them out of voting for Der Trumpenfeuhrer is naive, insane or ridiculously optimistic.

Yes, there are tons of die-hard Trumpies who you have no realistic chance of convincing. But there are even more could-go-either-way voters who will also hear your mocking disdain and condescension. Push them over the edge and Hillary is toast.

I concur. And it’s why I say this is a useless article. We don’t need to find out what the true believer thinks. None of this information is new. What we need to do is get into the minds of people who understand how bad Trump is but still support him over Clinton. The ones that won’t even just vote Libertarian.

These are just the angry people who made up his base in the primary. The ones that are, unfortunately, pretty much a lost cause. That doesn’t mean we should make fun of them. (The correct emotion is pity.) But they are unfortunately stuck in their ways.

They are using angry logic, which is about winning rather than being right. It’s about wanting to hurt people. About the only thing that combat that is introspection or possibly fear. And, unfortunately, they seem to have built up a guard against fear, by simply not believing it. They don’t listen to the stuff that challenges their beliefs and gives them doubt.

The people we need to reach are the people who haven’t drunk the kool-aid so effectively. Fortunately, there seem to be a lot of them.

Change a few words and you perfectly describe a large number of Democrats.

Which is why I won’t/don’t vote…I hope the turd sandwitch loses, but don’t want the douchebage to win either

Edit: yeah, I’m republican…but…FUCK.

Intelleligence has nothing to do with voting…

I am a clinton supporter, and I think Trump is at least quite likely to win. It won’t suprise me if he does,

Your consolation is comforting, in that Trump won’t have as much power as he thinks he will have.

Oh, don’t get me wrong. Trump winning would be fucked up. But it sure would be exciting…:eek:

And yeah, don’t care about the multipost…