Why were the Empires ships so shit?

This nitpick is starting to bug me a little bit. When the big ball on the top of the Star Destroyer is blown up, the shields were already down. You can tell, because otherwise the big globe wouldn’t have blown up! The shields would have protected it. At that point in the battle, the SDs had been in knife-fighting range of the Rebel capital ships for some time, and everyone involved had already taken a serious pounding. The Calamari Cruisers took out the SD’s shields, which left it vulnerable to the guns and missiles of the fighters, who finished it off.

Fern Forest: I think you’re confused: when the Executor takes its nosedive, I’m pretty sure you can clearly see a plume of fire from the bridge where the A-Wing hit it. Now, I maintain that the A-Wing didn’t deal the Executor a fatal blow under normal circumstances, but the ships Captain had maneuvered too close to the Death Star, and when the bridge was destroyed, whoever was left in command couldn’t re-establish control before the Executor got caught in the Death Star’s gravity well.

(I’m not really interested in defending most of Return of the Jedi: just the battle around Endor, because that was the only cool part of the movie.)

200 gigaton heavy turbolasers, 25,000 of them (at least), and at least 16 teratons (roughly equivalent) of shielding, according to the Episode 2 Incredible Cross-Sections, which is part of the ICS series recently declared canon by Lucasfilms, as announced on page 38 of Star Wars Insider.

Eat it. :smiley:

Anyway, to clear up some misconceptions…

Because if you’re trying to let someone escape, it’s kind of a bad idea to kill them, isn’t it? Remember, Tarkin deliberately allowed Han, Luke, & Company escape so that the homing beacon aboard the Falcon would allow the Empire to find the Rebel base.

If they wanted to fully protect against blasters, they’d need insanely heavy armoring. Remember ANH? Remember the scene in Docking Bay 94? Some of Han’s blaster shots hit the wall and exploded like a hand grenade.

Stormtroopers wear armor for two reasons: One, to offer slight protection against low-powered or sharp-angle shots… and two, to force the enemy to pump up the juice on their guns, which would make the enemy run out of ammo in a prolonged firefight.

Asking why stormies bother with armor is like asking why cops bother with bullet-proof vests if rifle bullets could still penetrate.

Incorrect. Try: “Look! A mob of short natives wielding primitive weapons that outnumber us a hundred to one and have the home-field advantage! Return to the bunker that we’re trying to protect!”

The Rebel’s plan was to try to lure the Imperial forces out into the forest. Divide and conquer, and all that.

The X-wing books follow the exploits of THE best X-wing squadron that the Rebellion/New Republic has to offer. Hardly a normal case.

You’re right Miller. I had the A-Wing incident too early in my mind.

Fern, I think you were thinking of a different part of the battle, where you see X-wings blowing up one of those domes on an ISD.

Criticizing the battle plans in the Star Wars universe is pretty pointles – they’re supposed to be a kid’s-eye view of war. That’s howcum all the pricipal characters get to be Generals and Admirals – the staff is top-heavy. But t a kd they can all be generals. I just think that, even to a kid, the pointlessness of the Stortrooper armor (not to mention the non-existent defenses of the ships) seems just too obvious.

Three reasons. It’s also so that if they hit their head on low hanging death star beams, they won’t be hurt. :slight_smile:

I was going acording to the game, not the books(which I haven’t read). In the movies, Ties are destroyed by a single hit, while in the game, Ties can take 3.

'Cept it ISN’T obvious. You need a gun with the destructive power of a hand grenade to punch through the armor. You call THAT flimsy? Whattaya want, six feet of depleted uranium?

Well, let’s also not forget the built-in fellatio machines in the cups, but I wasn’t gonna go there…

Whoah! I guess now we know the true power of the dark side, eh?

Bad aim mystery solved, move along folks!

Unless you’re an ewok, in which case all you need is a well-thrown rock.

I can’t believe people are actually trying to defend this movie. Guys, face it, it’s a fun, stupid popcorn movie.

Thank you for, once again, adding nothing to the thread.

You’re welcome Miller!

I didn’t see any rocks penetrate stormtrooper armor.

That’s the point. I argue that the “fun” and “popcorn” parts are right, but not the “stupid”. For that, you have to go back to the prequels.

"There are entities like Duderdude2 or gatopescado in every message board of the internet.

"This battle goes on wherever you have discussion forums; it’s a verity, a rule, of our kind of existence. They are natural predators, you can fight them but you will never get totally rid of them.

“They have to be fought on our side of the glass”.

(Oh, God, where did I get that from??)

Actually! I don’t think the Executor was the biggest Star Destroyer! I used to be a big Star Wars nut, and I bought a book which showed all the different ships in the movies, 4,5 and 6 and the books at the time.
There was a ship called…I think it was the Eclipse it was 16 km long, double the Executor and was pure black. Apparently it could just ram capitol ships to destroy them. But of course, Luke blew it up from the inside…or something.

On Stormtrooper helmets: When Han and Luke had trouble seeing through them in ANH, was it because they were not in the “on” position? I recall something my brother wearia told me about how the helmet worked together with the blaster to help aiming and allow the wearer a nice 360 degree view while wearing them.

Im totally unsure about that last paragragh though!

In the game x-wing vs tie fighter, the x-wings and normal tie fighters had the same speed. Maybe the makers didnt research the ships well enough. I just included that because someone said they were much faster.

Seriously guys, do you honestly believe George Lucas intended Star Wars to be anything more than a pure, fun action flick? I don’t know why you take offense to this; it’s merely my perception - and many others - of this franchise. Anyways, it’s obviously that the movie was not intended to be taken seriously, as alluded too by the movie’s complete disregard of physics. Take for instance that there would be no sound in space, or that the crafts wouldn’t be able to turn on a dime nearly as efficiently as they do in the movie. Then there’s the AT-ATs which are the most impractical offensive weapons ever fabricated. A mammoth machine, which walks and apparently lacks any safety features are being utilized to “quickly” take out a shield generator. Is the technology in Star Wars so lagging that they’ve never developed nukes, or even simple bombs for that matter ? I could go on for hours about the incompetence of anyone or anything in that movie, but I grow weary of all this Star Wars speak.



At least you were nicer about it than Grousser :wink: