Why were the suspects in the satanic abuse cases convicted?

Thanks for that link. I was unfamiliar with that case, but it seems like a repeat of the McMartin one, using the same misleading techniques as Kee MacFarlane:

And you know what is so very evil here? Those kids were convinced those horrible things happened to them.

In other words, Kelly and her ilk perpetrated those horror on the kids, in all but reality. She;s still working in the field today, rather than behind bars as she deserves.

I heartily concur. I presume you are familiar with Elizabeth Loftus’ work?

I was on a grand jury for 6 months, hearing various cases. For all but one, folks question the evidence, question the statements of police officers and witnesses, question motives, etc. The one exception was the child abuse case. The kid testified, and as far as anyone was concerned, that was it (true, the videotape did help, but there was nothing graphic about it, just panty shots). Still, there was a definite mood change. When you sit in that box and look at just how little that child is, relating how she was touched by the individual, you are really struck by just how vulnerable a child is, and you want to protect them.

And the prosecutors count on that reaction. Child abuse accusations often provoke a knee-jerk response in sympathetic humans, which colors, filters and distorts presented evidence.

While fundie Christians did indeed contribute to the Satanic panic. I saw way more stories about it on Geraldo & Oprah than on the 700 Club & like shows. And it was fund’ist investigative reporters working for CORNERSTONE Magazine that brought down hoaxsters Lauren Stratford & Mike Warnke.

The one that blew my mind when I read about the McMartin preschool was the allegation that zoo animals were somehow involved!

Also, the early 80s were as well a peak of a collateral panic in the USA about cults in general, that had been building since the time of Charlie Manson but exploded full blast after Jonestown. A lot of concern that youth was being taken away and brainwashed for nefarious purposes by Moonies, Children of God/Family of Love, Synanon, what have you. The notion of “deprogramming” was in the general discourse. So it fit the mental narrative of many people for years to come.

Thing is, at the time those cases were being reported, as soon as allegations of bizarre Satanic rituals were brought in, ***I ***would start doubting the case’s credibility. But that may have just been because even then I was aware that most predators/molesters do their evil along the Sandusky/Father Geoghan model, not as a major Cirque d’Sicko production show. That juries and prosecutors were willing, even eager for the latter to be the case, was amazing to me.