Why would Meg White be considered a 'good' drummer?

I’m just glad she’s happy to look like she’s enjoying it, rather than the deadly-serious ‘really into it’ look so common among mediocre drummers.

Exactly. There’s no denying that her sense of tempo isn’t exactly rock-steady and her drumming isn’t an example of dextrous virtuosity. But there’s also no denying (in my opinion, anyway) that her drumming has character, soul, and musicality. It melds perfectly with Jack’s pyrotechnic guitar work and Meg’s rhythmic simplicity allows him lots of space in his solos.

I think they work wonderfully well together and, when seen live, produce the most thunderous, energetic rock music I’ve ever seen a duo create.

Well, I should hope so. If it were the other way around, poor Bob would be crushed to death.

Hey, don’t be knocking Rachel. She was a darn good drummer for her age, and always seemed nicer than her father, who was kind of a prick the times that I saw him.

The Trachtenburg Family Slideshow Players is one of those bands that you really need to see once, but don’t really need to see twice.