Will humans become Gods?

Humans won’t become Gods, they will become Human~!

We spend so much time now doing things that will be done completely by technology in just the next 50 to 100 years.

When we don’t have to worry about things like agriculture or manual labor and the like because we have nice robots doing it all for us I for one am not going to mindlessly continue my job here trying to earn a living. Sounds like a good time to take the family, the family robot, and head out to the forest and just enjoy being alive!

The Celestine Prophecy(book) gives a nice description of this, albeit far fetched.

I do hope that before we conquer stars we can at least conquer Earth and turn her back into what she was when we found her. Namely clean. With lots of trees and stuff :smiley:

Well, theists in any faith have to suspend “rational” thought to some extent, because by definition they are believing in things which cannot be proven by logical argument.

Wow…Nietzsche was right!

religion is faith in something that isn’t there, how can it be proven?


wish i can edit ''isn’t there" to “can’t be proven”.

My point is not that religion is always wrong, but rather that it gives overly simplistic answers. We need to think and weigh the positives and negatives to determine what is appropriate in a particular situation.

Let’s use immortality as an example. Who has the right to life extension? How long does a person have the right to live? Can a person choose to die early (suicide)? At what point do you deny a dying person a life extension? Should you prevent a person from dying a natural death? Is anyone obligated to have a life extension? What criterion determines whether one’s life is worth extending? Is a life extension considered to be disease treatment, preventative therapy, or an elective procedure? Should health insurance pay for it? Can life insurance be denied if you don’t get it?

Hate to be the one to point this out Gadfly, but to not believe in God also requires belief in something that cannot be proven - the non-existance of God.

You missed the point of the quote. Religion is anti-progress. Today mainstream religious people are against modern scientific breakthroughs like cloning and stem cell research. One day, those technologies will lead to huge advances in the medical field, but that day will be many years later thanks to religion.

I don’t know … does not believing in God necessarily mean you believe in not-God? I thought that’s why a lot of people people call themselves agnostics instead of atheists – because they don’t believe in either the existence or non-existence of God.