Will tv ever again have military comedies?

In the Navy, they get Lieutenant, not Lt Cdr. A Navy Lt is the same grade as an Army/Air Force Capt, O-3.

Most romcoms I saw in the 50s to the 60s had a war setting. I still think it has something to do with a large viewership of war veterans. Now that’s a segment that can laugh about any aspect of a war, or military life. We baby boomers grew up watching tv beside our parents, so we’re just extensions of that viewership. I must add, though, that Vietnam war movies in the 70s to 80s had a strong impact on a generation that never knew war.

The things come and go in trends, so as I general answer I’ll say that of course they’ll try one again. If I’d have to bet, it would be an ensemble cast of recruits trying to make it through Basic along with their DIs, who are angered by all the hijinks.

Hmm… Fox seems to like to do this sort of thing. cough Firefly cough

I feel like some of you are being a bit too “Liberal-y” with your “the Conservatives won’t let you make fun of the troops!”

First of all, no one wants to watch a show ridiculing US soldiers any more than people want to watch a show ridiculing rank and file office workers. The Office ridicules management and the jerky coworkers that we all hate working with. Silicon Valley ridicules the entitled billionaire startup venture capital culture. But the protagonists are always portrayed as a somewhat relatable “everyman” who acts as our proxy.

Military comedies don’t ridicule the enlisted soldiers (other than the platoon fuckups who everyone can relate to hating). They ridicule the officers and political bureaucracy. The clever ones (i.e. Team America World Police) do it in such a way that the thick-headed don’t realize they are being ridiculed.
The reason you can’t really do a true military comedy (IMHO) is that you either end up with a bunch of soldiers Gomer Pyling around base doing nothing or it becomes cartoonish if no one ever gets seriously hurt (ergo A-Team).

At best, maybe you could do a dark comedy in the tone of The Brink, Jarhead or Three Kings.
Then again, I’m not a writer. It’s possible that someone could come up with something totally out there I haven’t thought of.

There is another possibility: rework Good Morning, Vietnam into a series as had originally been intended.

I really liked it. Saw the first few episodes and then it seemed to disappear.

Agreed. I’d like to see a show like that.

Well, there is that.

I bet someone could do a pretty good comedy set aboard a U.S. Navy warship or Coast Guard cutter. Most of it could be done in the studio, with establishing shots at sea, and occasional location shoots for shore leave or missions ashore.

Yes, I can see a Coast Guard cutter busting a freighter full of pot, and then the whole crew getting stoned. Something like that happened on The Brink among the flight crews with amphetamines.

Perhaps if we thanked them for their service before each episode?