Wilmette woman wins way into 'Jeopardy! record books.

You’re right, it isn’t. My thread got high jacked. Read the OP. How did this thread degenerate into a conversation about socioeconomic conditions on the North Shore? Note: I used to enjoy the beaches there until I was “Shoo’ed” away.

Well, high jacked or not, let us plod on. Anyone out there think old Rahm will present the little lady with the keys to the city for her achievement?

How was the thread hijacked when your views on Emmanuel was a core part of your OP?
Sorry you were shoo’ed away from the beaches but we have standards to maintain.

Right, my views on Emmanuel were a core part of my OP. Then you mentioned after my OP that, “Fact that Emmanuel went to New Trier and lived in Wilmette isn’t relevant to well, anything.”

Go figure. Regarding your standards, I understand the “No Negroes” thingy.

Nope. Just you.

Just won her 16th game.

Ding ding ding ding… that’s 17.

… and that’s 20.

Were 18 and 19 “gimme’s”?

Agreed. Competition has appeared weak the past few days.

20 wins and … done.