Winamp 3: It really sucks the llama's ass

It drags on my PC, and I’ve got a P3-450 with 256 megs of RAM. Not exactly power these days, but I never ever had a problem before.

I also could not for the life of me figure out how to change the VU meter under the counter. 2 has all kinds of options for fire, regular, peaks, and all that stuff. 3 seems to only let me change to oscilliscope or the lines.

I’m keeping it around for the video playback and ripping, though. It does that much better than WMP or RealPlayer.

Like most people here, I updated, hated and promptly uninstalled. My major gripe was the lack of shell integration. Really, programmers, would it have been that hard a task to let me right-click a folder to play its contents? Hm?

I hate mucking about with playlists–I place all my music into appropriate folders and subfolders. When I want to play music, I ctrl-click the folders for the types of music I want to hear (e.g. Death Metal, Tango and Polka), right-click them, choose play and I’m good to go. But NOOOO…evidently there’s been a lobby to remove this feature. Too convenient, I guess…

They just reached too far. The developers kept running into limitations in their 2.x codebase, so they decided to start from scratch and remove all limitations. So now in 3.x, you can do anything. But the downside is that now they have to recreate all the old functionality, which they haven’t gotten around to yet. And making something very flexible has the unfortunate side effect of making it slow as ass. Reduced functionality and reduced speed are two things that just piss off the end users. That’s why I don’t use it personally.

Not long after I posted my previous message in this thread, I went to the “classic” Winamp page and reinstalled the 2.whatever version listed there. I can use the skin I liked from before, and the randomness of the shuffle seems so much better. Plus I’ve had fewer problems running it in the background with other programs, compared to when I used version 3.