Wiping out Manhattan and California

Speaking of icebergs (ahem!): anyone else besides me see the news report last night about the humongous berg floating between Antartica and South America. It’s 24 X 48 MILES – virtually the size of the state of Rhode Island. It’ll be around a while, unless the decision is made to bomb it into smaller portions.

Wouldn’t ONE Rhode Island sized navagational hazard be better than a couple THOUSAND battleship-sized hazards?

No, not necessarily. Try dropping a 50 lb. block of ice into a swimming pool; at the same time, pour in a 50 lbs. of ice cubes. The ice cubes will melt much faster, due to having more surface area per overall mass.

However, and this is something I meant to comment on yesterday – the existence of this iceberg does suggest one partial solution for the drought in the Northeast & East – throw some cables around the sucker and tow it north to the east coast. Find a convenient bay and section the berg to a manageable size and tow it in. I saw a plan similar to this a few years ago, when California was undergoing a severe drought. The proposal then was to use San Francisco Bay as the ‘holding tank’.