Without modern medicine, what might you have died from?

Same here, at age 14. Except that I was in the hospital waiting area when it happen and they asked us to leave and go back to my doctor’s office until we had the proper paperwork. :mad: Lucky for me my Doctor was pulling up as we were leaving and Dad showed up with the paper work. I still hate those bastards at that hospital over 30 years later for almost killing me despite moderen medicine.

I’d most likely have been absolutely fine until 19 - I was a very healthy child - but at some point in my Gulf War (v1.0) tour I was exposed to Tuberculosis. So by my current age of 35, I’d most likely be passing out my days in a Sanitarium as a ‘Lunger’.
All told, I’m rather glad I’m not.

Pneumonia at age 5 probably would have done me in. Other than that, I’ve managed to just break things, and they could fix those from way back.

I had my first kidney-stone-induced blood infection at age 22 (the stone was causing an obstruction, causing urine to back up into my blood. Not healthy.) By the time I got to the hospital, my fever was over 104. Without antibiotics, I’d have been a goner. The doctor told me that even 20 years previous, I’d have spent a month in the hospital.

I have an uncle who was deaf in one ear, from ear infections. I also had severe ear infections as a child, and without antibiotics, I’m sure I would have been deaf before I turned 13. I’m extremely nearsighted, I suppose that I could have spun yarn or woven or knitted for my living, I’m very good with my hands. I had scarlet fever when I was a teen, again, antibiotics to the rescue. I had toxemia/pre-eclampsia when I was pregnant, and also gestational diabetes. I’m pretty sure that I wouldn’t have made it through my pregnancy. As it was, I had to go on bed rest for my last trimester. This was rather stressful, as it was boring and I was nesting in a serious way. Assuming that I hadn’t become pregnant, I’m sure my diabetes and other health problems would have killed me by the time I was in my mid thirties or so. I’ve had a few nasty bouts with cellulitis and boils. I’ve had a few tumors removed.

I would’ve made it till age 30 and then died in childbirth.

If the bout of whooping cough when I was 13 didn’t do me in (and it wasn’t usually fatal for adolescents as I understand it), then I probably would have made it until I died in childbirth three years ago.

Before I was 5 I was in the hospital twice – tonsilitis and bronchial pneumonia. I was out of the hospital for a long time after that, but had really bad colds every fall for years afterwards.


If we’re including immediate family (providing I survived long enough to have the following) wife maybe and youngest son definitely during his birth.

I had a cyst in my femur around age 11, which probably would have ended up shattering the bone, crippling me. Then I would probably starve to death or die of infection.

Leg infection when I was 12. Got pretty bad before I told my mom about it.

Wow, I might be the only one here who thinks I might still have been ok. I’ve never broken or sprained a bone in my body, nor have I ever gotten stitches. I think the worst sickness I’ve ever had was strep throat or something like that. I also have perfect eyesight. Guess I’m lucky :smiley:

I would have succesfully killed myself at 15.

Starvation. I’ve never really had any other significant gainful employment, other than summer jobs.

I can’t see clearly more than 5 inches in front of my face, so if that didn’t kill me, there may not have been much else to do so. I’ve got asthma that’s related to my vasomotor rhinitis, but I don’t think chlorine bleach and my other triggers (mostly of a “chemical”/modern pollutant nature) would have necessarily existed in large enough quantities to be common enough to kill me.

Weren’t those fun… in a non-fun sort of way? Every year, right around the holidays - the echoing voices over the PA, the never-really-dark-enough rooms, the crinkly plastic.

I’m also allergic to penicillin, so thank Science for alternate antibiotics!

I don’t know if I would have died, but I would very likely be wheelchair- or bed-bound after an accident I had at 15.

Assuming I’d been born at all. My mother had a difficult delivery with my older brother that probably would have killed her or both of them in an earlier age.

I would have died from Scarlet Fever when I was three.

Man, this thread sure makes you realize how great we have it.

I would have died of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). It was probably aspiration, but they called it SIDS on my admittance record. More recently (about 10 mos ago), I might have died of eclampsia. Fortunately, I and my son recovered quite well.
