Witness haters--are you happy now? :(

The consenting adults. I thought I made it clear with the (kids :() formulation. :frowning: Oh well, you can’t deal with “witlesses”. All you can do is line them up.

And, yeah, it’s the Pit. But I’ve just gone beyond the pale…

Ya did give credit to JWs for inspiring the invention of blood substitutes in medical emergencies. Unfortunately dead kids served as some of the guinea pigs in that experiment. So… You’re Jewish, right?

Nope. Ex-Catholic. But in investigating the Catholicism, I was forced to look at Judaism. I couldn’t stand either. Inshallah.

Atomic number 51. I know what I meant. Antinomy don’t mean shit to me.

ETA: Motherfucker.

To expound on this, I found that to be a good Christian, you first had to be a good Jew. But, you can’t be a good Jew, and then be a Christian. They require mutually incompatible beliefs. The two are mutually incompatible. And both are irrational. You really can’t be either, logically.

That’s about when I gave up. Inshallah… Fuck 'em all.

I was referring to Spider Robinson’s “The Antinomy Mine”. Bite me, asswipe! ;):smiley:

Simster, 3:10 p.m.:
Do I mind? Not at all. Be my guest.

CLee, 4:05 p.m.:
[in re declining to employ medical know-how technology that (God?) has granted us] Could you give me an example or two of this, assuming it’s not related to the blood issue?

Kaylasdad99, 5:15 p.m.:
[Shrug] I’m just quoting you…well, all the same, if anyone had replied thusly to me it would have helped…I’m not singling you out, then. And if I haven’t heretofore established your deference/lack of same, I now acknowledge it. And I agree with your last sentence. It jibes with most of my experience…

Cheshire Human, 5:40 p.m.:
You are making an unsupported assumption “not wanted by the population,” unless you have personally canvassed the entire earth, and I doubt you’ve done that. Also, “…anyone important (not a JW)…” Talk about invective…

Simster, 6:03 p.m.:
The ‘slave’ you refer to is the faithful class of Christians.
Look for a parallel in Isaiah 43:10-12, which addresses the one audience in plural (witnesses) then singular (servant). Matthew 24 expands on this.
For your questions c. and d., I have not a clue, except that the person mentioned in d. would certainly disappoint me. :frowning:

Dude…antimony. My grandmother died of acute antimony intoxication. I thought everyone knew.:frowning:

Why would you assume that, since that’s the only medical issue we’ve discussed? We’ve been saving lives with successful blood transfusions since 1818. Isn’t the know-how to save lives via this intervention is a gift from God? Why would you reject one of his many gifts?

Why are you being evasive on the answers? Lets start with -

So - in simpler terms - its the Governing Body and the Watchtower is how they dispense this “spiritual food” - right?

Therefore the ‘faithful and discreet slave’ from the earlier paragraph I quoted refers (currently) to the Governing Body and the ‘Watchtower’ (as the publishing arm). It does not refer to a generic ‘faithful class of christians’ - those are the ‘domestics’ that the slave feeds -

Note here - that even the ‘annointed’ that will rule with Christ in heaven are not included in the ‘faithful and discreet slave’ -

It might interest you to know that originally, Russel ALONE was identified as the “faithful and discreet slave” - With the orgs attempt to move away not only from his teachings and ‘timeline’, they’ve had to change that - this was also done as they moved away from a single author (being known) for the publications, this way they could hide a little more behind ‘anonymity’ for the writers.

Would you like to answer b and c again - more completely this time? Single sentences are fine - just be honest and reasonably complete with the answers.

We’ll get to question d later -

Sometimes I drive my wife to the train station in the morning if I am up. I’ll go in with her because there is a decent pizza joint in there and we all know that pizza is the breakfast of champions.

When I go inside and start to chow down on my slice, I always see standing in the station two older ladies silently holding up JW propaganda, waiting for someone to speak to them.

All I can think is: What a fucking waste. You could be volunteering at a food shelter, you could be helping one of countless charities that could use your assistance.

But instead you waste your time in a manner that even God Himself wouldn’t think was very smart (from what I recall about the dude, he would rather you provide witness through your actions rather than your inaction).

All that said, I would not shoot them or even at them. But I do find them pathetic.

It seems to me that you have answered your own question “c” to your own satisfaction. Then why ask me? As they say in court, “asked and answered.”
(Except that you have answered it yourself.)
For Question “b,” I haven’t the slightest idea.
And I already gave you my answer for “d.” You need not dwell on that.

I’m happy now. It has nothing to do with the OP, but I’m feeling pretty good.

I wonder ." do you agree that all written things were from another
human being that you happen to believe in, because that PERSON SAID GOD SAID OR DID SOMTHING?

That strikes me as more than a little disingenuous. It’s pretty apparent that wrt this question, his satisfaction relies on YOU answering it.

And AFAIK, “asked and answered” is more of a GQ thing than a courtroom thing.


But the other Witness claimed he once assisted a stranger with some yard work! That’s charity, right? Of course, the “help” was an admitted segue to the pitch, but I’m sure Jesus would appreciate a few raked leaves.

Firstly - I am asking YOU to answer the questions from YOUR viewpoint as a JW - - otherwise I am having a one sided conversation here - I only know what your ‘faithful and discreet slave’ publishes as ‘truth’ -

To finish this conversation - unless you have additional questions or comments -

b) Clearly if any information disagrees with the ‘faithful and discreet slave’ - it must be from satan - this one is harder to prove via a single quote, but its weaved throughout the literature - the quote above even implies it.

Watchtower 1986 March 15 pp.10-15 ‘Do Not Be Quickly Shaken From Your Reason’ - the entire article talks about avoiding anything contrary to the watchtower teachings - and compares it to ‘pornographic material given to your teenage son’.

c) Independent study (outside of WT publications) and independent thought is forbidden - you must be in full agreement with the WT publications or, if your not, you must ‘hide’ that disagreement -

Apparently there is a new talk at the conventions for 2013 - see http://freeminds2.org/approved-association-with-non-human-apostates/

Any deviation from that is a disfellowshipping offense - and potentailly being labeled as an apostate - remember, to be an ‘approved’ or ‘mature’ christian - it means accepting everything the Watchtower publishes as ‘fact’.

as for (d) - you have answered already that you would be ‘disappointed’ if someone in the org used those techniques - now that you have been shown that it is the ‘Governting body’ is who is being referred to here - **would you like to see the evidence that they have done exactly that? **

This link (Examples of misquotes, lies and deception in Watchtower publications) is provided for other interested parties - I’ll provide evidence in this thread if you would like to see it. - Of course - if you go to that link and review it - I won’t have to. Don’t take their word on it - research it - validate it - I have.

I await your response.

:Sigh: I think I have already given you my response, Simster.
I have tried to tell you that I have little or no knowledge on this particular topic. (Ironically you seem to be quite familiar with it yourself.) But I cannot come up with better answers than the ones I have posted. So if you persist in asking me, I take it as harassment.

There’s nothing “ironic” about simster being quite familiar with it and you saying you have no knowledge. I think that’s entirely the point.