Women Artists Who are Horrible People

Strongly disagree. In personal behaviour men and women are held to similar standards men who are assholes and promiscuous/unfaithful are also called out.

ETA: If anything some women get praise for acting that way. It’s seen as an example of being “liberated” and “independent” .
No idea why aping the worst examples of masculinity is seen as empowering.

As in knew her personally/professionally/socially? That is way more interesting than anything else mentioned here.

Okay, why? Her name sounds fake and it makes it hard to Google. I only found one interview where she seems like a nutjob but harmless.

No mention yet of the Heavenly Creatures case, in which the then-15-year-old, future mystery/detective novelist Anne Perry teamed up with her best friend to murder the friend’s mother.

After serving her sentence, though, she doesn’t appear to be horrible in any way.

I don’t think we’ve mentioned anyone solely for affairs unless there was then abandoning your family or similar issues involved.

The standard given is “Horrible person” not “Crimes Against Nature.” A similar thread about men would probably contain people like Val Kilmer who hasn’t committed any crimes against nature but is horrible to work with.

It’s possible there’s a double standard happening, but I think it’s more that we’re grasping for possible examples. Anytime there’s a “Give examples of X” Thread we all search our brains for anyone who kinda sorta might fit the topic then, as the Thread progresses, consensus either does or does not form as to which examples fit.

I haven’t read any of the posts to come across as “She cheated on her husband, ergo DEVIL WOMAN!!!” I’ve read them more as, “Well, I really can’t think of someone really truly horrible but here’s a not nice person who screwed some people over in her personal life…”

I think if there were a female Polanski or Spector then by this point in the Thread we’d have heard about them already. Looks like the winners for this topic are Marion Zimmer Bradley and Leni Riefenstahl.

I’ll have to do more research on Chanel’s Nazi-ing activities.

Barbra Streisand is apparently very difficult to work with. It’s her way or the highway.

Of course, when you are that talented, you can get away with it.

I don’t know if i would consider her an “artist” but Jenny McCarthy’s crusade against vaccination has helped kill children.

Betty White once posed topless just to earn money and later used foul language for entertainment purposes. Shirley Temple was a Republican. The list of atrocities by woman artists just goes on and on.

I’d echo votes for Courtney Love and Madonna with Courtney being the most deplorable. Abusing and neglecting your own children is another level.
Halle Berry?
Lindsay Lohan?
Mariah Carey?

She may not be an artist but Chris Jenner is the most horrific person I can think off. She has exploited ever member of her family and her friends her whole life.

This makes her sound desperate for attention but not horrible. I don’t think I’d want to work with her, but I also wouldn’t want to work with 95% of musicians, they usually get where they are because they are driven and have specific visions and want fame. There might be examples of Madonna being horrible I just don’t know about, but from what I know of her I might think of her as unpleasant and fame hungry but not horrible.

Same with examples of musicians being divas. If a musician has diva demands and attacks the minions that can’t fulfill them or doesn’t fulfill them sufficiently and acts violent then that’s horrible. But if someone has extravagant demands in their contract and requires them to be fulfilled then that’s not automatically unreasonable.

I would cut Courtney Love and Whitney Houston some slack as addiction problems no doubt contributed to their problems.

Enid Blyton wrote tons of children’s novels which have been best-sellers in multiple languages for generations. Apparently the opinions of her own children about her child-rearing abilities are… nowhere near a “pass” grade.

I’m pretty sure Tom Cruise is not a woman.

I guess it all does depend on what your definition of “horrible” might be, which can be pretty wide open.

I think still being such a defcon-level thirsty, thirsty attention whore beyond a certain stage in your life, when you should know better by now, is pretty horrible. I know it’s not like being a serial killer or anything, but extreme vanity and self-centeredness does inflict damage on other people. It’s selfish and immature and not a good look. And I do feel bad for her children.

So maybe she is just terrible, and not horrible. :stuck_out_tongue: And she isn’t the only celebrity guilty of this. Not by a long shot. Seems to come with the territory for a lot of famous types.

And btw, none of this has anything to do with her womanhood, just her overall personhood.

All this way and no mention of Mother Theresa yet? Christopher Hitchens would roll over in his grave.

:smack: I suppose MT wasn’t an artist.

I dunno. Doing all the God stuff while you yourself are an atheist could be considered performance art.

Anne Sexton’s kids have also said she abused them.

Never heard of any of these entertainers, but I do remember Velocity Girl and didn’t know they had a singer prior to the spectacular Sarah Shannon. Saw them a couple times, too.