Women- if you haven't tried anal sex, why not?

“so what’ll happen ?
That’s just it! We don’t know.
Maybe something bad…maybe something good
I guess we’ll never know.
Cause you’re going to guard it.
You won’t touch it, will you?”

I’ll bite - what’d she say?

The glazzzed haaam…

Wtf?!!! You can’t be serious! Cite, please. This is just plain not true.

“Smelling like a fish-market” is not normal. It can be a sign of Gardnerella Vaginalis, or can also be caused of some types of STDs. Not all women have this, as you seem to think. Educate yourself.

FYI, a guy’s sweaty nutsack doesn’t smell like a boquet of roses either.

For the record, I would give money to the March of Dongs no matter what they were raising money for.

To answer the OP:

I’ve tried it, didn’t like it, and my gold standard for sex (and many other things) is if my partner (who is presumably espousing this activity, as I don’t care for it) ain’t willing to do it, then why should I? Oddly, I find very few straight men (or found - I’m a one-woman girl now!) are willing to allow me to use a foreign object on their behind in the name of science.

For starters, there’s hygiene and health issues associated with anal sex to a larger extent than with vaginal sex. As previously mentioned, the steps necessary to combat said risks (partially, some ain’t combatable) basically kill the mood. I probably speak for most ladies here when I say that breaking off the fooling around to thoroughly cleanse and artifically-lubricate the area in question sort of takes the fun out of the encounter.

Also, for many women, it’s just not a pleasurable sensation, no matter what Hustler says. Food for thought for you (and any other “gentleman” who has attempted to use that Wiki-nonsense quote) here: nerve endings can also transmit unpleasant sensations. If one doesn’t find the sensation pleasant, then having lots and lots of nerve endings to inform you of it isn’t going to help matters any.

Why, yes, I do have a particular hatred of that particular line of persuasion. Why do you ask?

Why don’t I orgasm every time I take a shit, then? :dubious:

And while we’re on the topic, what is “similar”?

andrewdt85, I hope your first sexual experiences will be with a woman who will let you take your time and explore her anatomy. I think your opinion of vaginas might have been influenced by things guys say with bravado, and that you’ll find women’s bodies to be a whole lot more pleasant and inspiring than that.

That student bit was intended as a joke, in case it wasn’t obvious. I’m glad someone finally commented on it.

You know, because of the recent news stories of grown women having sex with their students?

:smack: I POSTED TO WIKIPEDIA WHEN I POSTED THAT QUOTE! That’s where I got the quote! Never mind…

Well, when you put it like THAT

Remember, it will be like the first time you close an arms deal. You’re excited but you don’t really know what the hell you’re doing. And one way or another, it’s over way too fast.


So you wouldn’t be able to lower your standards enough to have sex with a woman who was not a virgin?

Oh Nos! Kooties!

Seriously, care to explain this?

Are you seriously THAT uneducated?

The vagina does NOT always smell like a fishy place - that can be a particular individual’s scent, or it can be an indication of uncleanliness which more regular bathing may cure, or it can - in some instances - be an indication of infection.

It’s not always hairy. You don’t look at much porn, do you? And if hair bothers you, then perhaps the Anus would be a better penetration point for you.

Yes, sometimes the vagina is infected. Also, at times, the penis is infected because - UNLIKE THE VAGINA - the penis is used for both urine waste and semen ejaculate.


Yes blood comes out of it. Sometimes, people interested in having children appreciate that fact. It’s PART of sexuality. If you can’t deal with it, you’re never going to have a healthy sex life.

The mucus layer is to AID with penetration, sort of like a moisturizer. Jesus, ever heard of LUBE? What do you think it is trying to emulate?

Oh, no - another penis may have been there!!! Ever heard of CONDOMS? Otherwise, do you really think you will be only sleeping with virgins your entire life? Chances are - and I personally think especially for you - that any vagina you may find yourself luck enough to be embraced by will have known a few more penises in its life than you have vaginas.

Educate yourself, child, because you truly have proven yourself a CHILD with this posting. I cannot believe the amount of ignorance you have shown.



Well, there was a thread on that a while back. The link down in post 24 had some interesting stuff to say about that. (Link as safe for work as this thread)

Well maybe if my mother had been a street prostitute like yours I would have known all that stuff already!

Sorry, I am obligated to insult you back for insulting me like that. You jump on me like that, when I already admitted my ignorance back on page one. You may know more about the pussy than I, but how about learning how to fucking read a thread?

Hey, isn’t anyone going to adress this post? I can’t believe that we’re already on the second page of the thread, and not one single poster has commented on it!

The post is so insanely ridiculous, it cannot be addressed in this dimension.

Either I am being Whooshed, or you are.

[Moderator Underoos On]The only thing you are obligated to do when you are supposedly insulted in IMHO is to report said insult to the Moderator. I find this thread to be ill thought out and in bad taste, and your subsequent posts to be childish and insulting. Please think twice before starting any more threads here, and as far as I’m concerned you’ve used up all the warnings you are entitled to.[/Moderator Underoos On]

I’m closing this thread.