Won't "vaccine passports" affect poorer/"blacker" people more (a la Voter ID)?

What HAVEN’T we done with respect to marginalized communities? Here in Dallas, we’ve put vaccination centers in all sorts of places- community centers, rec centers, ethnic-centered churches, various public events, and even gone so far as to provide free transportation to and from these places/events. They even have people going door to door now.

Why is that necessary? At this point, six months in, literally EVERYONE has had ample time and opportunity to get vaccinated. Anyone who’s not vaccinated by now has made a choice not to get vaccinated, and they need to accept the consequences of that act. If their communities are ravaged by COVID, that’s totally their own fault, and IMO, their problem.

Doesn’t matter to me if it’s South or West Dallas and mistrust of the government, or if it’s politically motivated in Bell County (between here and Austin) where they only have a 30% vaccination rate. All these people have effectively chosen to NOT get vaccinated for six months. If they wanted to, they would have been by now- it’s been inexpensive enough (i.e. free) and accessible enough if they were willing. So if they choose not to, then tough luck.

If they want to make it about choice, fine. They can spread it around among themselves and get sick and die all they like. Their choice. Just like wearing masks and getting vaccinated is their choice, or not trusting the government is their choice. My not giving a shit if they live or die at this point and not wanting to throw more resources at them is MY choice.