Word Needed for the Space Under a Desk

Kickspace, man!

The Big Lewinsky.

According to Ronald Reagan – a nuclear waste storage site.

“All the waste in a year from a nuclear power plant can be stored under a desk.”

Good question. Went to OSHA and another site I lost where they give average desk heights, but n.g.

Best idea would be to write to a furniture expert at Sotheby say, for a guess.

Any takers?

That’s just silly. Where would I put my bag?

Footwell, as previously mentioned, is a very good analogous term from the automotive industry.

I think most people would understand what you mean if you use it in this context.

can we call it the ‘legroom’?

“He’s hiding in the desk legroom.”

though i’m not sure how that’s better than simply

“He’s hiding under the desk.”

In the nuclear waste dump. There’s plenty of room, now that they’re putting the waste under desks.

I’ve heard it called “kickspace” since the 70’s.


I came to post this, and I’d like to second, … erm …, third it. I’d seen it called that on blueprints, and such, and that’s what I use to describe “that part in built-in desks what where your legs go.” I make it a point of reminding people who are designing say, a laboratory layout, “computer keyboard and monitor goes there, not elsewhere, and some instrument you stand up to use goes elsewhere.” Not that they always listen, but its a good start to planning a layout.

We have a new winner! Duck, cover, and you better come on in my kickspace, baby, it’s goin’ to be raining outdoors.