Words that impacted you

Short hijack response–I tend to view dictionaries as public opinion polls. If enough people mangle a word, they will report it as a proper use of it; this is like determining nutrition by looking at the American junk food diet and saying that since people DO eat this way they SHOULD eat this way. I tend to side with Wittgenstein’s theory that words are tools; if you use a screwdriver as a chisel and a chisel as a screwdriver, after awhile you don’t have either.

I’ll stick with quote as a verb and quotation as a noun, and I still think that “impacted” sounds ugly and is less fitting than “effected.”


Isn’t effect a noun and affect the verb? As in: Your actions have an effect which may have affected the outcome.

It also bugs me when proper grammer isn’t used.

Bucky wrote

Speaking of “sticking”, I’ve got a suggestion for you, WordBoy. Come here. No, a little closer.

I was reading this book. It was a bunch of stories and on the stories was about a young man with his father’s sword. He did some stuff that is not important, but the sword eventually got into acid and disintigrated. The only thing that was left were the gold letters that spelled out the words “If thy heart fail thee, Trust not in me”

Okay, so the story kinda fell apart, but the words always make me think about being confident and strong within yourself. If you do not make something happen from within you, know one can help you. I just have always loved it.

From my old shop chief, in the Air Force:
“You’ll never amount to anything, cause you’re a loser.”

Showed him. I plan to send a helicopter to his house one day, and have my people get out and flip him the bird before leaving, blowing his yard gnomes all over hell.

At the end of my photography course this year we had our portfolios critiqued by a classmember.

What Glen, the 48 year old teacher in my class, said about mine will undoubtedly stay with me for the rest of my life.

Instead of jumping on my work, he talked about me. The compliments and the encouragment that came from the mouth of one of the most critical people I’ve ever met, had me absolutely floored.

I could never thank him enough for the push he put behind me and my work.

(Thanks again Glen)

although the words came from a book (High School sr. Lit BOOK), they caused me to take a step back and look at not just me, but were I’m headed. it was a poem from the transcendental era titled “Pick ye Rosebuds while ye May.” It made me think about my ever fleeting youth and how I sould enjoy the moments and the innocence of being young.