Worst song cover in a commercial, TV show, or movie...

After googling, this is apparently a promo for “Friday Night Lights”. I have no idea what Friday Night Lights is, though.

(Sorry! I only watch about four network TV shows. Plus Antiques Road Show.)

One of the Connecticut casinos- Foxwoods or Mohegan Sun- is running a series of TV commercials in which hotel guests dance through the lobby singing covers of 80’s songs, all with different lyrics extolling the virtues of said hotel/casino. There “My Sharona”, and another particularly cheesy one by Foreigner (I forget which cheesy Foreigner song, does it really matter though?). Hate hate hate hate them.

Actually, I believe it’s Ira Toyota. They also have lots of people with Wicked Bahston accents in them.

Ernie Boch had the llama. shudder

“Worst Ever” might be a bit harsh, but the version of “Only Women Bleed” performed by Rebecca’s band in the season finale of Californication was pretty darn awful.

Wow, just wow…that’s amazingly awful, it’s astouding.

there’s a car dealership here, Courtesy something (Toyota, Honda, Ford, I can’t remember now) whose theme song is the Ghostbusters song except they changed the words…Who you gonna call…Call Courtesy! I just want to tell them to wake up and get the heck out of 1984 already. There are people driving and buying cars who weren’t born in 1984! Sheesh.

That stupid Levi’s commercial where the bellybuttons sing **Diana Ross’ **“I’m Coming Out”

That reminds me of the ad for the Log Cabin Republicans…I’m…coming out so you better get this Party started…okay, maybe not.

I generally like Cat Power, but her cover of “Space Oddity” in a recent commercial was pretty damn horrible.

And every time I hear “Viva Viagra” I pray that Elvis really is dead.

IIRC, that was sung by Jamie-Lynn Seigler (sp?), who played Meadow in “the Sopranos.” Recognizing the voice of one of the most annoying TV characters EVER did NOT make me like that terrible commercial any more. I’m so glad I have TiVo now.

This one post is smarter than anything having to do with that entire ad campaign.

Does that singer have Down’s Syndrome? Does the rest of the band?

[Casey Kasem]
And we’ve got a new number one at the top of the charts this week.
Beating out war, slavery, cockteasing, and the Holocaust it’s …
[/Casey Kasem]

(Sorry, I don’t get much chance to bust out my Casey Kasem impression. :slight_smile: )

The way-too-peppy warble of With a Little Help From My Friends on those Hampton Hotels commercials is very, very, annoying, especially when they run it nine times during a single football game.

Not exactly what the OP is calling for, in that the song is the original as done by Simple Minds, but the JC Penney commercial where a bunch of spastic gits who have probably never seen the movie recreate the montage from The Breakfast Club just makes me. . . I don’t even have the words :mad:.

Whenever I see that commercial, I can’t help thinking that the Beatles were the big act during the Jonas Brothers’ grandparents’ heyday. Time marches on…

Are there two versions of this commercial floating around? The one I’ve seen has a (not good, but not the worst) cover version of “Don’t You Forget About Me” playing.