Would an object made of antimatter reflect light?

I once read that most of what we see is matter, not antimatter.

How can we know this? Wouldn’t an antimatter star a thousand lightyears away look just like an ordinary star a thousand lightyears away? Isn’t it technically possible that our solar system is matter, and the rest of the universe is antimatter?

I’ll do the lazy thing and just quote my own posts from this and this other thread.

The missing step in that explanation is that space isn’t a perfect vacuum. Even between stars, or between galaxies, or between superclusters of galaxies, there are a few atoms here and there. And those few atoms would be enough to be noticeable, if they were up against antiatoms.

Thank you, Pasta and Chronos. I have a much better understanding of the situation now. I think, when we find out the nature and properties of dark matter, it will be very interesting indeed.