Would humans make good pets?

Not if there’s an active spay/neuter organization on the planet Zog.

One worry would be if AETH (Aliens for the Ethical Treatment of Humans) was taken seriously, and all domesticated humans were released into the wild to fend for themselves.

Hmmm…we seem to be polar opposites. My inclination would be more along the lines of “Hey Other Human, help me kill these sumbitches.” :cool:

Are the other species a race of cat people? If so, I’m in, I owe them some.

I am totally going to: eat food off of their plates when they aren’t looking, just barely miss pooping in the provided receptacle, vomit frequently and for no discernible reason, run across their testicles at full speed in the middle of the night, try to lay down on top of their faces when they are sleeping, stare at a blank spot on the wall and scream for long periods of time, act like I want affection and then act snooty and offended when it is offered, shred their decorative plants, shove any small unsecured items under the refrigerator, attempt to trip them when they are walking, try even harder to trip them when they are walking with a heavy but delicate object, knock their knickknacks over, hope for male pattern baldness so I can leave hair everywhere, escape only to triumphantly return and gift them with part of a small dead animal, attack their feet when they are under a blanket, and just generally be a neurotic pain in the ass at every turn. All this while leaving no doubt in their mind that, were I capable of doing so, I would eat them after a long bout of terrifying torture.

So yeah, a lousy pet. But they will love me anyway either because I’m cute or because there is a parasite in their brain that makes them love me, either of those works for me.

The problem is that they’d be these cat people. Run across their testicles and they’d be feasting on yours for breakfast.

Yes, but that’s because you’re a wild human, not a tame human. The likes of you would have to be kept in a zoo, and the keepers would be very careful to never put their tentacles inside the bars.

I believe I would be a very good “pampered pet”. I am ready to start any time.

I would be a very poor 'working animal."

…“but before we do, fancy a quickie”?

Well done, sir.

Keeping a human as a pet?

My wife says it isn’t hard after the first year.


With your permission, my new sig…

Well, then; she’s a lucky woman. I couldn’t train mine after five years and we’re no longer living together. Did she give you treats, accolades? What’s her secret?

Just a wild guess y’unnerstand but I’m betting on BJs.

Lots and lots of BJs