Would you give money to a panhandler who...

Not exactly the same thing, but when I’ve given money to panhandlers (which is rare) it’s often been to people reading books.

I don’t need them to sing or dance for me (or perhaps more realistically, in the case of a 20-something not unattractive woman, give me a half-hearted handjob. That would be working for it, right?).

I’m a pretty easy touch when it comes to people looking for change and stuff. But at least put *some *effort into it…

Also, given the price of cigarettes, I would wonder how poor she is.

I might, I might now.

I answered probably not to the OP’s panhandler.

I have no issues with the crossword, but when she’s supposedly trying to get something to feed herself, I look at it as goofing off, I guess.

As for the smokes, if she had a pack of a full priced brand in view, I likely wouldn’t give anything. Just a generic cig, no packs in view, it could be a bummed one. Frankly, there are folks for whom a cigarette is a small pleasure. I’ve actually offered a couple of them to panhandlers before who I had noticed smoking, but had no apparent supply. Usually, they were gratefully accepted.

The youth and ability to be doing something would be her biggest downfall with me, though. Like others have said, wash a windshield, sweep the street, do something!

Smoking is an appetite suppressant for a lot of people, so that wouldn’t bother me.

I don’t like the “grimy” thing though, and I’m assuming grimy referred to face, hair, hands, not clothes. There are lots of places to wash up.

The crosswords are okay. Probably takes her mind off her situation for a few minutes, and who wants to meet people’s eyes when you’re begging?

I voted Probably and I’d give her a buck or two, maybe ask if she had a safe place to sleep.

Maybe it was about a job. About the only things cheaper than a bare-bones prepaid mobile phone plan are water and air.

Maybe it was a government supported cell phone.

I don’t give money to someone just sitting or standing around with a sign, but if someone comes up to me with a good story, where I can believe they need help in a unusual circumstance, I’ll help out.

Probably not. I rarely give unless directly asked, and only then when in the mood and have actual cash on hand, which is not that often.

Wow. I sure wish I could not give a rat’s ass about other human beings.

I’ve never given a panhandler money unsolicited. If a panhandler asks me for money I’ll give whatever coins I have in my pocket (I typically have none; I use my debit card almost exclusively) unless I need them for something. Their having a sign or a cigarette or being a woman has never really influenced whether I’ve given money. I’ve been asked by a well-dressed guy who was talking on his cell phone if I could spare a quarter before and I gave him one.

Once I parked outside a Panda Express to get food and a homeless guy with cleaning supplies asked if I had money. I said no, explaining I paid with debit. When I was done eating I washed out my cup with water and gave it to him so he could get a soda. He washed pigeon crap off my windshield in return. That’s the only panhandling story I’ve got. :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t give money to panhandlers. I won’t enable potential drug or alcohol addiction. If asked while I’m on the sidewalk (rather than driving), I will offer to buy a meal however.

Damned clever sign That! :smiley:

(sorry, I couldn’t resist).

Not intending to argue against this position or anything, but as an added clarification: I don’t care what they do with it. If a homeless person asked me “Hey, could I have some change?” and I had the gall to ask what he wanted it for and he told me he planned on buying liquor that wouldn’t change my decision to give him money at all.

Which is why I said “potential”. Of course I don’t know what they’re buying for sure. Based upon their behaviour, look (glazed eyes, slurred speech, odd behaviour), and smell, generally it’s for drugs or alchohol, and I do care about and refuse to contribute to that.

Yeah, you go ahead and give money to every homeless person you see on the streets of NYC or San Francisco.

So Twix, was this in Center City?

I don’t generally give to beggars, but the fact that he wasn’t running around pestering me, or playing some hideous off-tune instrument certainly wouldn’t count against him. Generally speaking it’s more the other way around, got some loose change to unload, then start looking around for the nearest hat. The smoking is kind of silly though. Cigarette money adds up fast.

SW corner of 15th and Walnut, last Friday, about 5:30 PM.

At minimum I would require the sign to be amusing…“Need money for karate lessons to fight off ninjas”, or honest… “need money to support drug habit”. That would get me to part with some useless pocket weight.

She wasn’t even trying.

Hah! I knew it!

Not that I have seen that particular person, but I knew it had to be around that area.

I generally don’t give money to panhandlers. It helps that I rarely carry any cash. But I have been known to hand out a buck (or even 5) on rare occasions when the mood strikes me. That being said, there’s absolutely no way I’m giving money away to this person; if you want some of my hard-earned cash, you need to at the very least be *actively *soliciting it.