Would You Share Your Washer with a Stranger?

If she can’t afford to wash her clothes, let alone a washer/dryer at home, however, is she going to be able to support me? Laundromats are absolutely awful place to pick up wimen for the lifestyle I wish to live.


Well, it would never arise for me, because I don’t do my wash until there is enough to pack one washer tight. But I can’t imagine how miserable it would be to go through life judging everyone by how gross I think their personal habits seem in my fertile imagination. Waking up in a cold sweat thinking of someone re-using a Glad bag that had a boiled egg in it – ew.

I wouldn’t share my washer with a stranger. Laundromats are rare where I live. People here generally don’t like the idea of using a public washer.

There’s a “psychological” gross factor. I wouldn’t want to wear a sweater that Hitler once wore, no matter how many times it’s been cleaned…and I wouldn’t want to share “magical contagion” with the stranger in the OP.

I’m sure, scientifically, it’s okay; we’ll assume he hasn’t dusted his shirts with Polonium powder, etc.

On the other hand one cannot entirely rule out nefarious intent. Approaching somebody to share a washer is odd behavior; perhaps one should consider whether they have attracted the adverse attentions of any heads of state before responding.

That would be too much on the weird factor for me. I’ve had roommates where I’ve tossed a couple of their things in the wash with mine but not compete strangers

Sure. Right after he kicks my dog and uses my toothbrush.

Wait a minute. Do you kick your dog?

Here’s another thing. The video implied that this guy made a habit of doing this. Most folks go to the same laundromat over and over. I know laundromats aren’t the best supervised establishments, but wouldn’t the owners ban this guy for making their other customers uncomfortable, never mind not paying for their services?

Maybe the guy hardly ever did laundry. But I would think a casino manager would need not to stink at least.

I agree, while I’ve rarely had to use one post college, there’s someone on sight that helps keep the homeless and panhandlers out, it could be quite intimidating if you’re at a change machine with your wallet out and someone’s getting in your personal space asking for money. And, there are the bizarre sorts who steal clothes or anything else not chained down.

There very well might be unattended public laundry mats but I’d really hate to use one.

I once got to talking with some stranger while commuting–I agreed to share my washer with him if he would share his dryer with me. Criss-cross!