Wouldn't 13 twenty eight day months make a better calendar?

There are already 13 signs of the Zodiac anyway; no need to change that.

I’ve been giving this a lot of thought since I hurt my back a few months ago … I work three days on and one day off … days of the week and dates of the month are pretty much meaningless to me … it’s either 4 inch/1, 4 inch/2, 2 inch or off … that’s the size of the paint brush I use for the day … very literally from Crocodile Dundee: “See you on Wednesday”, “Sure, Walt, what day is today?”

I would do away with months entirely and just give each day a number over a given 4 year period. Day 1 - 1,461 1st cycle. 2nd cycle, etc.

People would make it work. They do with the metric system.

Clearly, the first thing to do is o slow the moon down, so that we only have 10 months. If we can slow the Earth down the same way, so that a year is 350 days, then we’ve got 10 months of 5 weeks each! Easy peasy.

Of course this mucks up ‘90 day bank bills’ but that’s a flexible concept anyway.

“Thermador” sounds like it should be followed by Cuspidor and Humidor.:slight_smile:

Dude, you, like, totally harshed my buzz.

Since we’ve already established the OP has not suggested a better calendar, here’s one that has my vote:

Damn, you beat me to it.