Wow! Ikea!

It’s only a small town with about 6000 inhabitants. However, Dolph Lundgren grew up around there, so you should be careful with your words. :wink:


IKEA is wonderful. I don’t think any of my student friends could afford furniture if it weren’t for them. The whole process, especially putting together the furniture afterward, is really exhausting though.

Actually, around here, no couple would dream of moving in together until they have successfully braved a day at IKEA and then put together at least three pieces of furniture together without breaking up. That’s when you know it’s love.

Yeah, my wife and I don’t get Ikea. We’ve never found any great deals or seen anything too great. I mean, I guess it was all fine, but not better than what we can get elsewhere.

I suppose we are just not getting it.

Oh, also, the one by us is built so that once you enter, you are supposed to go through most of the store to exit.

Are they all like that? If so, why? Other stores in my area(Michigan) are not like that…or at least not to that degree.

If you follow the “Racetrack” (marked wide path) you will tour the entire store before exiting. However, if you check the numerous maps (or find the signs that say “shortcut to…”), you can bypass the racetrack in various ways. Every IKEA I’ve been in is laid out this way.

Many retailers use racetrack layout, such as Target and Bestbuy, it’s just that their stores are not as large.

ohhhh, did you get the snert sofabed?

i do enjoy ikea and was there on wends for lunch. i was bummed that the straw ornaments were sold out.

Heh, I guess that’s why my boyfriend and I don’t live together, we would so fail that test.

I’m too busy noticing that you made time to mock me but couldn’t make time to let me know you were going to be in town so I could buy you and yours a beer. Or a whateverthehell they sell at the cafe at IKEA. :stuck_out_tongue:

Don’t mock lingenberry. Lingenberry will kill you dead if you taunt it.

Also, we had a very foreign Doper, cactuswaltz, in the area once, a couple years ago. He brought the little chewy car-candies from Sweden. They sell those at Ikea!
Also, Ikea (well, at least the one that recently flooded by us) is having free lunch and breakfast and crazy sales to make up for it/for Christmas.

I figured you’d have needed the snowplow to make it out! I would have, though, if we weren’t just going there for that and trying to get home in time to beat any winter weather.

I worked at IKEA about 15 years ago. At the time, it was possible to buy four complementary but not exactly matching chairs to surround your dining table, named Jhon, Pal, Jorg & Ringo.

Ahlgrens Bilar! Them things is everywhere.

Blasphemy…it’s the best couch they have. It’s the only one where can you lie in watching tv without needing a gazillion pillows or develop a crick on your neck :smiley:

Despite my middle-class disdain for Ikea, they have mysteriously furnished most of my house.

However, you have to be careful with the wardrobes

I didn’t say it was uncomfortable, I said it was butt ugly. :slight_smile:

We have?


Must be the Stimulus Funds.

Glad you liked the Ikea. Mrs Magill and I lined the front room of you house with the wall bookshelves. It looks pretty good, and we now have enough space for our books.

Over here, they’re only at Ikea.

Here in Winnipeg, they announced last year I think that an IKEA will be coming to us in 2011, and you wouldn’t believe how excited this place got. :rolleyes:

It seems like more and more this place tries to prove it’s not a hick town - we lost the NHL Jets more than 10 years ago and the news is still full of people who mention that we need the Jets back to “put us back on the map” - heck back in the mayoral election of 2006 I think it was, there was one guy whose entire platform was based on getting the Jets back to town, doesn’t matter what the problem was (crime, infastructure, luring businesses, property taxes) he would find a way to have the Jets’ return fix it. I cynically thought that there was enough die hard “Bring Back the Jets” supporters to actually give this guy enough support, but thankfully he seemed to be recognized as the crazy he is and came in last. (Of course, the same year I think it was, during the provincial election, the leader of the opposition came out saying he’d bring back the Jets if elected (I have no idea how he would, as politicians don’t have a say in it) and, thankfully he lost as well.)

So we don’t have an NHL team? Big deal! So we don’t have a furniture store? (Well, we have several, but no IKEAs, which is kind of the point - what makes this different?) Big deal! Why must Winnipeg (and other places, I know we are not alone here) feel its need to prove that they are not a hick town by trying to get things it isn’t suited for just to look “cool” to the other cities. It’s like people never grow up from high school or something.

Sorry for the probable off-topic rant, but the thread kind of touched on this peeve of mine and I had to get it off my chest lest I explode …

Depends on the furniture. I have pieces that have survived three moves, one of them across the Atlantic, in perfectly fine shape. For anybody who’s thinking what had I been drinking, I didn’t intend to ship them over, as that’s a completely stupid thing to do: it was the “lady” from HR (“you can’t give the furniture away! the company pays to ship it!” uh… it would be cheaper to pay for me to go to Ikea Barcelona? “but you can’t! It’s not contemplated in the policy!” listen, I have work to do and anyway I paid for the furniture, so “you can’t!” whatever).