X-Men Question: Emma Frost/White Queen

I can see some similarities. Or were you talking about a different Warren?

Still not as bad as Bill Sienkiewicz.

Ugh, I hated Sienkiewicz so hard on his New Mutants run I stopped buying them. But at least he has a “style”. Liefeld’s “style” seems to be to just mutilate proportions at every opportunity, and to make up for it by mercilessly cross hatching and drawing lots of neck tendons.

Wow! I never met anyone else who doesn’t like Bill Sienkiewicz’s style! Everyone always says he’s a groundbreaking visionary, but I see overly-abstract, surreal, and UGLY art.

Kelley Jones, Simon Bisley, Sam Kieth, Jae Lee… add them to my list too!

Dale Keown was always very hit-or-miss for me, as far as artwork goes. His Hulk was okay, but Pitt looked too much like the Hulk to distinguish Keown as a great artist (IMO).

Sam Keith is just about the worst comic book artist I’ve ever seen.

I must add my agreement, here.

The man’s art stinks, and more than anything els4e persuaded my to dump that title.

Funny that you mention Jae Lee BBVL, because when I saw his artwork for the first time (Hellshock, I think), I thought to myself “Oh, that’s what Sienkiewicz was trying to do.”

I actually like Lee. Especially his Inhumans maxi-series. Although if I was his inker I’d tag on an another 10% for extra ink.

This probably calls for a “Who is the most godawful comic artist ever” thread. A bunch of bad ones have been mentioned already, but if I had to make a top ten list of the worst ever, Bill Sienkiewicz would be numer 1, 2, 5, 7 & 9. His “art” always looked like a clever way of covering up the fact that he couldn’t draw.



I don’t think Bill Sienkiewicz, Jae Lee, or Sam Keith are really bad even if one doesn’t like their respective styles.

I mean, Rob Liefeld is bad. His storytelling skills are minimal to nonexistent, he shamelessly rips off compositions from other artists, he has exactly three stock body types (man, woman, big man) and two faces (man and woman), etc., etc.

I mean, I think Jack Kirby turned out some absolutely hideous work in his time, but it wasn’t really bad.

He couldn’t draw a background to save his life, costume details change from panel to panel (not small stuff like epaulet colors – big stuff, like whether a character has a cape, or sleeves)…

weeps softly


Maybe he’s trying to harken back to the four colour days, when a colourist would sometimes insert a flesh tone where a costume needed to be. I remember seeing that a number of times in Spider-Man. Made his costume look kind of BDSM.

OTOH, he may just be a real crappy artist.

Sorry, but no one’s ever going to be able to convince me that Captain Victory and the New Gods (yes, all of them) don’t look like something that somebody puked up.

The man was a great artist, but he really needed someone to tell him that some of his ideas sucked and looked like ass.

On the subject of truly bad artists, I can’t really think of any other than Liefeld, although it’s easy to find them in the pages of things like quarterly books (Justice League Quarterly - which was a great book, btw - ran the gamut from cool artwork from up-and-comers like Phil Jimenez and Mike Wieringo and absolutely awful art fom people who probably never penciled another book).

Of course, a lot of otherwise good artists have issues. Howard Porter can be extremely spotty, Drew Johnson (who just finished his run on Wonder Woman) can’t draw an action scene to save his life, Ethan Van Scrier’s figures are often awkwardly posed or placed within scenes, George Perez should be forbidden by law from ever designing another superhero costume, etc.

Thanks for posting that link to New Gods. That’s the funniest thing I’ve seen all day - it actually made me laugh out loud.

Goofy and cool are the same thing. Ergo, Black Racer = cool.

OK, while someone can rationally say that Kirby’s writing left something to be desired (I wouldn’t, but someone might), he was unarguably one of the greatest pencillers the medium has ever seen. Indeed, if it hadn’t been for Kirby the comics landscape of today would be completely different, if they even existed at all.


Ummm…can anybody say “Silver Surfer ripoff”?

I knew you could! :rolleyes:

No argument here… but that doesn’t mean some of the stuff he churned out didn’t really suck. And I’m thinking of his post-Marvel work, here.

Well, he did create the Silver Surfer.
