Yoo Hoo, London Calling

Compliments about children is the greatest compliment you could ever give a mother, thanks! They really are great kids and I am glad you saw it too. I tend to be a little biased sometimes.

Thanks for the Tate website!

I still have my computer set up to search daily airfare so who knows, I may just find a rate that is too hard to resist. I would have to do some major brown nosing the boss, M-A-J-O-R brown nosing, but there are places in Europe that I just HAVE to go back for more. What would it take to convince you to see the rest of the Tate Modern?

Also, I am seriously considering a temporary counseling assignment at the airbase in Ramstein Germany. I need some advice, encouragement, discouragment, from the Euro-Dopers, especially those from the U.S. tator? kferr?

P.S. Check your e-mail, LC.