You can take the boy oout of the Oil-patch....

You’re trying to be obtuse here, right, this isn’t an accident?

Through a glass darkly :dubious:
The mention of editing is a complaint about his actions. See, he edited the reports, and that’s a bad thing. *Then he was rewarded with a job at Exxon. *

This really isn’t all that difficult to understand unless you’re the kind of person who needs to consult a chart every morning in order to tie your shoes. Come on, you’re just playing devil’s advocate, right? You aren’t really confused as to why someone who lied and distorted data on behalf of a group of people not only is not being punished, but is rewarded by being employed by them… is something not totally cool?

I think you are reading things into the Op that aren’t there, because it suits your political beliefs to do so.
I think the Op’s sole stated complaint is about a guy taking a job in the oil business.

Let’s agree to disagree. To paraphrase a line from Patton: I’ll drink with you, one son of a bitch to another.

Now I’m turning in. Yawn Have a nice evening.

Besides, who says it was a reward? I mean, the Bush people, shocked…shocked!… at this malfeasance of the public trust, cast him into the outer darkness, that they not be tainted by the likes of him…

And, of course, nobody wanted to be associated with someone who’s ethical standards were sub-par, so welll below oil-industry and White House standards…

So then Exxon took pity on him and let him work in the mail room. Probably doesn’t pull down more than, what?..$100K a year?

I think you are not reading things which are obviously subtext and implications of the OP, though I’m not sure why.

… the musical.
(I couldn’t resist.)

Fair enough, I’ll buy the second round.

No, I’m no torqued-off because he, an oil-man, went to Exxon. I’m all pissy because, the administration hired an oil-man to be point man in crafting our global warming policy, because he’s not a scientist, yet saw fit to spin reports from his betters to fix the science around the policy, and when caught with his hand in the cookie jar, he simply…walks away without comment, apology or penalties. A week after the news breaks and the guy resigns? Smells like a tacit admission of guilt to me.

I’m angry by the sheer ballsy brazenness of this, and by the administration’s response which boils down to: “Hey, what’s the problem?” It’s bad enough to deny what scientists from every developed country have come to accept as fact regarding CO2 emissions. It’s embarassing enough to see this administration shirk its responsibility in order to appease the President’s cronies. But sheesh…couldn’t they at least make an attempt to appear to give a shit about the issue?

I’m more pissed that like most Bush Admin officias caught in lies, he resigned for unrelated reasons, one being in order to spend more time with his family…then less than a week later he’s got a brand new job that’ll keep him quite busy.

You believed that “spend more time with his family” line? :eek:

I find it easier to start with the belief that everything from the Bush White House is unmitigated bullshit until proven otherwise.

If irony could be weaponized, you’d be a WMD, rjung. :smiley:

Sorry, I just couldn’t resist. Lob 'em over the plate like that and someone is going to swing!

Perhaps he, like George Tenet, should be given the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

Barney Frank came out of the closet a long time ago. :smiley: