You favorite South Park songs.

Oh, I LOVE Cartman’s Heat of the Moment and wish there was a full song of it. And my favorite Chef song done live by Isaac Hayes

KMaB is also my favorite. But the question is which version? The Xmas episode one or the movie one?

I’ll go with … the movie version. The finale really nails it.

(Mrs FtG used to sing this about a former boss.)

Wellll …

Sorry, it was Uncle Fucker. I went out and bought the soundtrack CD the next day just for that!

One other I forgot: “No substitute, no substitue for yooooou…”

A pig and elephant’s DNA just won’t splice – Loverboy

Merry Fucking Christmas

The Most Offensive Song Ever

What Would Brian Boitano Do?


Getting Gay With Kids is here

Mr Hankey the Christmas Poo

I agree, too.

For a song not written by Trey, Mr. Mackie’s “Carol of the Bells” is THE definitive version, M’kay?