You must be able to...

People often make remarks about other people who have jobs they’re not qualified for, or SO’s they don’t seem suited to. A common explanation given for these situations is, “Well, s/he must be able to suck a golf ball through a garden hose!” or, in extreme cases, “a bowling ball through a straw”.

Would someone really get a job or a marriage proposal based solely, or even mainly, on their ability to perform oral sex? I’m speaking mainly of people who aren’t particularly attractive, and hence not “sex objects”. I realize that sexual favors can create leverage, but I wonder if that would work for someone who had little, if anything, else to offer.

Why Rilchiam, ya lookin’ for a job?

Baglady, you crack me up…

I certainly didn’t get into med school based on my grades…

Dr. J :slight_smile: