"You must pay the rent!" "But I can't pay the rent!"

In our high school version, sometime in the 1960’s, the villain got “oiled again”. I can’t remember whether we actually poured oil (presumably vegetable oil) on the character, or what the dialogue was working up to it. I only remember that we thought it was funny at the time.

You have to admit, no matter how cornball this type of “theatre”, it was preferable to schoolboys than having to put on your mother’s Hanes stockings to perform Shakespeare. I was the king who had the poison poured into his ear during a nap. Oh, the ignominy!

I miss the melodrama that used to play at Knott’s Berry Farm’s Birdcage Theater. It was always the same play, one with two titles separated by an ‘or’. I don’t remember the first title, but the second was OR Don’t Switch That Engine, It Has a Tender Behind.

I remember the skit with the multi-purpose costume piece, but I don’t remember it being about rent specifically. Nor what else it was about.

The Simpsons’ rendition of this routine is what most readily comes to mind for me.

I’m also partial to Elliott Forrest’s rendition (starting at 1:10):