Young Ones Appreciation Thread

It took a lot, but my friend and I stifled a fit of inappropriate laughter at her grandfather’s funeral a few years ago when the priest said “Ashes to ashes . . .” Both of us imagined Rick singing “funk to funky, we know Major Tom’s a junkie . . .”

We went to see Grant Lee Phillips last night and he played Bowie’s “Ashes to Ashes” Once again, we busted out laughing and apologized to her dear Grampy above.

Neither of us has seen the show in years, we never really watched it together, and yet at least once a week one of us uses a Young Ones line and we crack ourselves up every time. I’m sort of afraid to watch it again because I fear it will have lost something over the years. I don’t want my fondness to be tarnished the way it was when I made the mistake of watching an episode of “Square Pegs” not too long ago. Don’t ever do that.

I love Neil’s reaction to the vampire that was delivered to their flat: “Hate Mail!!”

Are any of the books still in print? My copy of “Neil’s Book of The Dead” is falling apart.


Vyvyan: Neil, let’s not beat around the bush – are you going to make supper, or am I going to kick your teeth in?

For Christmas this year my brother gave me the DVD set, and he found the complete scripts somewhere online, printed them all, and put them in a decorated three-ring binder.

Totally cool gift!

It’s risotto, Vyv.
Neal, it’s snow.
No, it’s risotto, eat up.
I bloody well know snow when I eat it, Neal!

I must object. The quotes are from different episodes.

But now is the time. The time when I must finish painting my astrological star chart.

That just reminded me of when my friend’s father died. I was standing next to him at the viewing, trying to make small talk, when he leans over and says “Has anyone told a stiffy joke yet?” His nickname became "Dan the Bastard (you know, from Harry the Bastard).

I know that. But it fit.

I watched The Young Ones back in the '80s. Got some bootleg videos I made from videos a friend taped from MTV. I taped them again when they were on Comedy Central. Got the VHS tapes. When I receive e-mail, Vyv yells “It’s a video nasty!”; and when I have an error, Tik says “Pa-thetic!”

I love the DVDs. One of my favourite possessions! :slight_smile:

The DVDs are worth it for the bonus features. Some of them I’ll actually watch again and I almost never watch bonus features more than once.

“But I don’t know Vanessa Redgrave!”

Vyvyan, why did you throw the toilet out the window?
To lower the rent.
Oh, I see. Um, just one more thing…what are you talking about?
Its to lower the rent. You don’t have to pay as much for a house with an outside lav.
Oh I see. Well, I don’t believe you. I think you did it because you know I have a runny bottom!

(I realise this isn’t a 100% correct quote, but I’m hopeless at remembering stuff, even though I have the DVDs)

Rick Mayall was a genius.

Remember when the lentils did a little song and dance number?

Put me off of lentils for a while.

Ooh! Or when we saw Vyv’s mum?

“Why do I have to always make the dinner?”
“Because Neal when we moved in we divided up the jobs. I was in charge of the goldfish and the houseplants and you were in charge of making dinner.”
“Yes and what did you make the first night?”
“It was sausages.”
“Sausages and what?”
“Sausages, goldfish, and houseplants. Listen Neal, I discharged my duties, now discharge yours.”

“What’s a fitooomch?”

“Vyvyan, where did you get that bazooka?”
“I found it!”

<from off-screen> “Quick, put the picture back on before Elephant Man comes on and starts singing! Too late!”

Look, Rik, I’ve got six pairs of hands! I’m Krishna!
God, you’d do anything to impress me, wouldn’t you Neil?

“try to impress me”.

Vyv: Bored, bored, bored, bored, bored! Knocks self unconcious with cricket bat

‘That’s perfectly alright Michael, it was bound to happen sooner or later.’

‘Oh Neil, Neil, orange peel’

‘Hello Mummy, Hello Daddy, this is my house - where I live’

‘You won’t catch me in my trousers!’