Your favorite ABC Movie of the Week that arn't:

Dark Night of the Scarecrow
Scream Pretty Peggy
Nightmare in Badham County

I loved and still love being scared and I can’t think of anything on TV today that even comes close to those good old MotW.

I have a vague recollection of Satan’s Triangle. Can someone refresh my memory as to what was scary about it?

I could have sworn that 1967’s highly rated The Borgia Stick (with Inger Stevens!) was an ABC TV movie, but it was NBC. Inger Stevens was in that and The Mask of Sheba (1970) also NBC. Despite the same director and lead actress, it wasn’t nearly as good. Shows how TV movies went down in respectability in a short time. They were mainly trash by 1974.

Was anyone else surprised at all the television pilots on that list?

Yes, I was. There were quite a few, most I’d forgotten about, even though I watched the shows (6MDM, Starsky and Hutch, Barbary Coast, Toma).

I was going to say Dark Night of the Scarecrow, but it wasn’t on that list!

That makes it definitely Duel. When my son was a wee beetle, he was obsessed with that movie. He watched it every afternoon after school.

Am I the only one wondering favorite movie of the week that arn’t what?

Anyway, I have fond memories of The Man Who Wanted to Live Forever.

Nope. me too, but I just ran with it. Figured it out about half way through the thread.

What, nobody names The Point?

The Point - Wikipedia!
How about Daughter of the Mind (the very first ABC Movie of the Week, IIRC, based on the novel The Hand of Mary Constable.)

Madame Sin, with Bette Davis as a female Fu Manchu

The Man Who Wanted to Live Forever

The Movie of the Week was fun when it tried to do sf/fantasy/horror, but I hated A Cold Night’s Death

I thought we were supposed to list our favorites?:wink: I recently watched The Point, and I couldn’t believe how bad it really was. I tried. But, I still have Me and My Arrow in my iTunes playlist.

I had it in my list. I picture Ed Asner’s CIA operative like the current Jeffrey Wright version of Felix Leiter, maybe with a touch of an older, unburned Michael Westin. I still remember the magician’s advice on how to figure out the wax hand. “Don’t try to figure out how HE did it, figure out how YOU’D do it.”

Try this (IMdB) http:// and be sure to read the message board posts at the bottom of the listing; it should jog your memory enough.

My two faves:
Moon Of The Wolf - everybody played it straight, and it worked. Barbara Rush was outstanding in a super cast and the ending did not drag out for 45 minutes.
Five Desperate Women - It was the first thing I saw Robert Conrad in post-Wild, Wild West and I cried at the ending, but not for the obvious reason, which I will not disclose here.

Another good one. Haunts of the Very Rich. A bunch of ‘very rich’ people all are on a pampered vacation at a tropical island resort. But the conditions start to deteriorate, and the guests begin to suspect that they are all dead, and the island is hell.

I used to think that it was sort of the pilot movie for Fantasy Island, except Roarke is God, not the Devil.

I looked at a long list, and the only one I even remember is*** Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark***. I vaguely recall it was a pretty good chiller about little gremlin-like monsters stalking some lady from within the walls of an old house. But I remember it having a real letdown of an ending.

Otherwise, I recognize a lot of titles (a bunch of them were pilots for future ABC series), but don’t remember many movies.

Somebody help me out. There’s a TV movie I remember from the 70s, thought it was an ABC MotW, but I don’t remember the name and nothing in the Wiki list rang a bell. It had Andy Griffith in it, he was some dude with a high-powered hunting rifle and was chasing some teenaged kid through the desert.

Pray for the Wildcats?

Savages (1974)

Well “Gargoyles” was a fun little TV movie of the Week, but apparently not an ABC Movie of the Week. It kind of reminds me of “Qatermass and the Pit” … cheesy special effects and production values, but nevertheless manages to convey a certain creepiness.