Your favorite "Far Side"

One of the few multi-panels he did…

Panel 1: Canary in a cage sitting on its perch looking at cuckoo clock.

Panel 2: Canary in a cage sitting on its perch looking at cuckoo clock.

Panel 3: Canary in a cage sitting on its perch looking at cuckoo clock.

Panel 4: Canary in a cage sitting on its perch looking at cuckoo clock.

Panel 5: The clock hits the hour, cuckoo springs out, chirping “Cuckoo!” The canary frantically shouts out, “SEND HELP!!”

Panel 6: Canary in a cage sitting on its perch looking at cuckoo clock.

This produced uncontrollable laughter in the middle of a library (the desire of supressing your own laughter, of course, feuling the laughter reflex even more).

Scene: like the climax to a Clint Eastwood western, with the tonwsfolk all admiring the hero riding through town with the dead villain slung over the back of his horse. Except the ‘hero’ is a chicken.

Caption: (something like) No-one knew the same of the tall, silent stranger who rode through their midst, but they knew the terror was finally over.

Beautifully drawn, beautifully written, giggle-funny idea.

all of the ones mentioned are some of the best, but this one is my all time favorite-

There are 2 cow families sitting in a living room and a young, peirced, spikey haired cow walks in the front door with a leather jacket on and one of the cows whispers to the other “He always was a rebel” or something like that.

One that I always loved, was captionless.

It depicted a penguin lying on his back in a huge ice field. He had slipped on a banana peel.

Great Thread!

My Fav:

The pic: A guy in running clothes. Standing next to him, a human-sized scissors, with a face and all, dressed in running clothes as well

The caption: My friends say I shouldn’t run with you anymore.

I can’t believe nobody’s put these up yet.

“Laboratory Peer Pressure” where three or four lab-coated scientist types with Salvador Dali-ish melted heads are trying to get the new guy to try some of their special creation. Kept me away from drugs too.

And the one where the terrified cow is watching the cowboy with the evil grin heating up the gigantic branding iron, which reads “This here cow is the property of Jebediah Smith” or something instead of a little symbol.

And I can’t leave out the captionless “Dogs going to Work”, a street scene where all the cars and busses are full of dogs riding with their heads out of the windows.

The short scientist talking excitedly to the tall scientist. A third says to a fourth: “There goes Wilson again, trying to gain support for his Little Bang theory.” I’ve seen that scenario play out at SF cons many a time: guys (or gals) with a Little Bang theory in the form of a script or a comic, or a gadget to sell, talking peoples’ ears off in hope of finding an investor.

One that I didn’t get, until my mom explained it to me: Top half of panel: Elderly woman stands on her front porch, at the base of a hill, saying, “With a knick-knack paddy whack give a dog a bone!” Lower half: Elderly man tumbles down the hill to the front porch.

The panel shows a dog holding a smoking bazooka, and there’s a large hole in the sidewalk, with a charred mailbag off to the side and letters floating down through the air… Caption: “Through rain and snow and sleet and hail…but they never counted on Rexbo”

An executive board meeting, all the participants’ faces are terribly deformed. The caption was something like “Now, we all know what happened last year when some joker filled the water guns with acid”, or something to that effect.

The graveyard of crushed beds, and the archaeologist says something like “Finally! We’ve found the secret elephant mating grounds!”

The cops are in a clock-shop, and all the clocks are semi-melted and point to the exact same time. The cops say “Now if we could only establish the exact time the crime took place”. I LOVE that one.

An old grandpa snake with two tire-tread marks is saying to some snakelings “You want to hear the story again? Well, okay. I was warming myself in the sun on Interstate 95”, or something like that.

sniff I miss the Far Side.

My two favorites are bear cartoons.

  1. Two bears, one with a big belly, standing and talking. “Hey, Larry, that’s a really big deer gut you got there.”

  2. Mrs. Bear at the entrace to the cave, Mr. Bear coming up with radio collar, ear tag, tranq dart sticking out of his rear. Mrs. Bear: “Late again. You better have a darned good excuse.”

These aren’t exact quotes 'cause I haven’t seen either of them in years, but I just love them.

god in his kitchen, rolling clay into snakes. caption, something like: boy, these things are a sinch!

I have two fav’s that haven’t been mentionned yet. One has two lions or something eating what looks like some kind of Weird Antelope. They both have really disgusted looks on their faces and one is spitting something out. The caption says something like “The tofuti beast: Gods practical Joke on the animal kingdom” or something.

They other one has a couple of cats sitting around talking to eachother. I can’t remember the exact lay-out but the cats are giving their names and they are things like “The Mighty Athena, great warrior of the bird chase and destroyer of the Dreaded Dog, etc.” And the caption is something like “What cats call themselves.” I wish that I could remember what it said exactly cause that one always cracks me up. You look at a cat and you know that it is true.

Oh, and the one with the two sailors in the bar. The one with the peg leg says, “Well, I guess that ain’t a bad story…but let me tell you about how I lost this!”…to the sailor with the peg head. I remember my mom looking at that one, and how her mouth fell open and the newspaper fell from her nerveless grasp. After that, she started calling the comic “The Far, Far Side”.

I had this on a coffee cup, a whole bunch of penguins standing around looking exactly the same. One penguin is sticking up singing “I gotta be me”

A guy in an old fashioned diving suit (the kind with a hose going up to a compressor on the boat). He’s standing on the bottom of the ocean looking up at the boat sinking over his head.

and one more:

Two guys sitting on the back of a huge baby. They say “flaps: check, landing gear: check, radios: check. OK let’s get this baby off the ground” (this quote is not exact but you get the idea)

“Ice Crusades.”

And I’d also like to point out that even though I wasn’t reading the far side when it was first printed, I got “Cow Tools” the first time I read it. Yeah, I’m just bragging now, but I allow myself to do this once a month. :smiley:

The one you didn’t get “This old man came rolling home!”:stuck_out_tongue:

I like the comic:

Some cows are standing in a field, on their hind legs, conversing.
One cow calls out “CAR!”
All of the cows get on all fours until the car passes.
They stand back up on their back legs and resume talking. :D:D:D:D:D:D

Beat me to it. Although I quibble with the idea that it’s even possible to have one particular favorite. how could you?

This is actually a bigger deal than you think. Science has so far concluded that dogs are the only animals that can do this. No other primate can, and I’m pretty sure even dolphins can’t.

The folks doing the research say that it has everything in the world to do with why dogs have the special place they do in our lives, they are able to understand what WE are telling them to focus on, and that involves a very complex process. (Assuming I’m right about the dolphins, dogs are the only animals on earth besides ourselves who are able to comprehend something like this.

That’s pretty compelling.

I’m going to have to see if I can find this research, I believe I saw it on TV initially. It’s really interesting.

If y’all want to pursue any of this, go ahead, but start a new thread.

I’m killing this zombie.

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